HIFIDIY论坛-两级k30a缓冲成功引入谐波 - Powered by Discuz!
2025年3月13日 · 对比总览,k30a洞洞板是从前级板主滤波出直取正电压去用,未稳压,电源算是比较差了,噪声较高 噪声惨不忍睹 频响无差 接下来,声卡到运放前级缓冲出来的thd 然后,声卡到k30a洞洞板再到运放前级缓冲出来的thd,总谐波0.207%,和仿真结果出奇一致
Roswell Mini K47 - Sound On Sound
This microphone is recommended for a number of sources, including vocals, but also extending to acoustic and electric guitar, piano, drum overheads and general room-mic applications. Starting with speech, the tonality comes across as fairly natural but with a noticeable low–end lift from the proximity effect that may necessitate a little low ...
测了20只K30A - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered …
2010年6月21日 · 今天,测了20只K30A,发现这种管子的一致性很好,有15只,夹断电压集中在1.1V左右,饱和漏电流集中在1.2MA。 一只的漏电流为2MA多,其它的四只不足1MA。 另外,这种管子的漏源互换性很好,互换后参数不变。 不象我测的3DJ6,没法互换。 ,这种管子,每只的价是半元。 K30的性能不是3DJ6、3DJ7能比的! 国产的晶体管(包括场管)只有收藏价值,使用还是免了。 电子管没用过,我就不是很清楚了。 学习了! 谢谢动手测数据。 今天,测了20 …
Need replacement for K30a Y7J : r/audiorepair - Reddit
2019年10月25日 · This shorted in my fet microphone. Can't find this particular part on Mouser or Digikey. Is there perhaps a higher quality drop in replacement anyone can recommend me? Here is the datasheet. http://www.datasheetcafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/K30A.pdf. Thank you, …
K30A Datasheet PDF – 50V, 10mA, N-Ch, MOSFET – Toshiba
2022年11月7日 · The K30A is -50V, 10mA, Silicon N Channel Junction Type MOSFET. In an N-channel MOSFET, the source and drain terminals are connected to an N-type semiconductor material, while the gate terminal is insulated from the channel by a thin oxide layer. Features. 1. Low Noise Pre-Amplifier, Tone Control Amplifier And DC-AC. 2.
Modding Karma Mics - GroupDIY Audio Forum
2009年6月16日 · The K-Micro uses an omnidirectional capsule with an internal FET as well as a following external transistor--I am no wizard at transistor identification, but this one says K30A Y 5K. See if yours is the same; parts count is two diodes, three resistors, one cap, one TO-92 transistor, and the capsule.
AKG Perception 420 Mod | Page 4 | GroupDIY Audio Forum
2016年9月3日 · If you don't have a 2sk30a for the faulty microphone input circuit, Very carefully, without overheating, unsolder the second one from the oscillator, measure its Idss(small) and use it at the input, (there is an adapter of impedance/(preamplifier)).
K30A Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: Rectifiers Standard Recovery. 56 Results. Part #: 2SK30ATM. Datasheet: 600Kb/4P. Manufacturer: Toshiba Semiconductor.
2SK30A-Y K30A T0-92 - IC ĐÂY RỒI
Loa & Còi & Mic; Công tắc & Switch; Dây bus & Dây điện; Trụ đồng & Trụ nhựa; ... K30A 2SK30A N-Mosfet TO-92 Số lượng-+ Thêm vào giỏ hàng Gọi điện. Thông tin sản phẩm; K30A 2SK30A N-Mosfet TO-92. Sản phẩm liên quan. AOTL66912 MOSFET N-CH 100V 380A .
K30A is New Original in Stock, Search K30A Datasheets, PDF, Inventory at Y-IC.com Online, Order K30A with warrantied and confidence. RFQ K30A : [email protected] Contact us:[email protected]