K65 - US - Conex Banninger
K65 brazed fittings, developed in conjunction with Wieland, enable the simple, safe and economical installation of high pressure refrigeration applications up to 1885 PSI.
Developed in conjunction with Wieland K65 high strength copper alloy fittings enable simple, safe and economical installation of high pressure refrigeration applications up to 130 bar. K65 fittings are particularly suited for use with CO2 (R-744) in transcritical applications. The name Wieland has stood for quality for almost two centuries.
Arm® Cortex®-M4_Kinetis K65 180 MHz 32位MCU | NXP 半导体
Kinetis® K65 180 MHz IEEE® 1588以太网MCU基于Arm® Cortex®-M4F内核,适合需要安全加密、篡改检测、高存储器密度的应用,还能以超低功耗实现高处理效率。 该系列提供高速USB,带集成高速USB物理收发器、SDRAM控制器、全速无晶体USB支持等功能,同时还与Kinetis产品组合共享综合的支持工具和可扩展性。 基于Arm® Cortex®-M4F内核构建,运行频率为180 MHz,带单精度浮点单元和8KB缓存。 多达32通道的DMA用于外设和存储器,可以降低CPU负载,实现 …
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Wieland K65 is a high-copper alloy combining medium electrical and thermal conductivity with medium strength. Good hardening is achieved by finely dis-persed iron precipitation in the structure.
Wieland-K65 CuFe2P | C19400 | CW107C Developed in the mid-1960s, C19400 continues to be used globally for a variety of applications including automotive and electrical connectors.
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The K65’s maintenance free uncooled microbolometer sensor produces detail-rich thermal images at 320 x 240 pixels. Displayed on a large bright 4” LCD, K-Series images make it easier to navigate under the smokiest conditions, and help provide a more expedient way to decide on the best course of action.
WIELAND-K65 | Alloy Digest | ASM Digital Library
2001年4月1日 · This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fatigue. It also includes information on corrosion resistance as well as forming, heat treating, and joining. Filing Code: CU-664. Producer or source: Wieland Metals Inc., Wieland-Werke AG.
K65铜合金 K65对应牌号 - 11467
2025年2月23日 · 高精度和高的抗软化温度,又兼具适宜的加工性能、电镀锌焊性能。 主要用于集成电路和电子分立器件的制作, 铜合金以纯铜为基体加入一种或几种其他元素所构成的合金。 纯铜呈紫红色﹐. 又称紫铜。 纯铜密度为8.96﹐熔点为1083℃﹐具有优良的导电性﹑导热性﹑延展性和耐蚀性。 太阳能加热装置的平板集热器等导热器材。 常用的铜合金分为黄铜﹑青铜﹑白铜3大类。 铍青铜还具有耐磨、耐低温、无磁性、高的导电性、冲击无火花等特点。 同时还具有较好 …
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ARDEX K 65 is an advanced fibre reinforced smoothing and levelling compound for internal use, featuring MICROTEC technology that is designed to rapidly smooth and level new and existing substrates prior to applying a floor finish. ARDEX K 65 can be applied to timber substrates and can normally be walked on after approximately 2 hours at 23°C.
HPL Laminate - Americana K65 - Richelieu Hardware
Find the largest offer in Uniboard / Integra - Laminates like HPL Laminate - Americana K65 at Richelieu.com, the one stop shop for woodworking industry.