Pentax K-7 Review - Digital Photography Review
2009年10月2日 · So here we have the K-7, Pentax's latest enthusiast/semi-pro level DSLR. And a handsome creature it is, too - gone is the K20D's slightly pudgy utilitarianism, to be replaced by a sleek, pared-down elegance.
Pentax K-7 - Pentax K-mount DSLRs - Pentax Camera Reviews …
2023年8月26日 · The Pentax K-7 was released in 2009 as the successor to the K20D. It features a sturdy yet compact weather-sealed body, 14.6 megapixel CMOS sensor, 5.2 frame-per-second shutter, and a 3-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 921,000 dots, movie mode with input for an optional external microphone.
传承Asahi复古美学 宾得旗舰K-7深度评测 - fengniao.com
这变革来自5月22日全球发布的宾得K-7数码单反相机。 从机械性能到技术参数的全面升级,让那段时间的所有目光都集中在了宾得。 它是一个全新的系列,全新的起点,全新的理念……作为一款宾得的旗舰机型,K-7究竟能否担起混战C、N、S的重任呢? 谜底即将揭晓。 ...... 本文版权归蜂鸟所有,未经允许,不得转载。 上一篇:版主评机! 蜂鸟佳能版主细说佳能EOS 7D. 1919年建厂,九十年历史太过悠久,我们还是从宾得的单反谈起:Asahi这个商标诞生于1957年,这一年 …
专业不一定亮骚! 最强小单反宾得K7评测_宾得 K7_数码影像评测
2009年7月31日 · 我们在CBSi中国实验室,测试了K7+DA 18-55mm/F3.5-5.6 AL WR套机广角、长焦端各档光圈的成像分辨率,在最高最优画质下拍摄ISO12233分辨率板,通过HYres软件测试出最后得分。 图为:宾得K7套机广角端各档光圈成像分辨率. 图为:宾得K7套机长焦端各档光圈成像分 …
Pentax K-7 - Wikipedia
The Pentax K-7 is a 14.6-megapixel digital single-lens reflex camera, announced on 20 May 2009. [1] This is the first new flagship model released by Pentax since its merger with Hoya Corporation on 31 March 2008. It was discontinued late in 2010 in favour of the K-5.
Pentax K-7 Review - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews
The Pentax K-7 incorporates all of what was great about their long-underrated line of digital SLRs with a slew of upgrades and enhancements that should make camera buyers stand up and take...
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Pentax K-7 review - Amateur Photographer
2023年1月30日 · Pentax’s first ‘pro-sumer’ DSLR, the K-7, is compact, weatherproof and has a host of novel features, including a self-levelling sensor. Angela Nicholson reviews. At the official press launch of the Pentax K-7, Pentax allowed the journalists to …
宾得K7 - 百度百科
Pentax K-7 review - Amateur Photographer
2009年8月15日 · The Pentax K-7 is a digital SLR camera, and though smaller and lighter than both the Canon EOS 50D and Nikon D300s, it has a traditional reflex mirror and an optical viewfinder. It also features a newly developed 14.6-million-effective-pixel CMOS sensor measuring 23.4×15.6mm
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