K70 RGB MK.2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard — CHERRY® MX Brown - CORSAIR
The CORSAIR K70 RGB MK.2 is a premium mechanical gaming keyboard built to last, with an aluminum frame, CHERRY® MX keyswitches and stunning per-key RGB dynamic backlighting. CORSAIR iCUE software brings your entire setup together, creating a fully immersive ecosystem with intuitive control. LEARN MORE.
Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - USB …
The Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 is a premium mechanical gaming keyboard built to last. Equipped with a lightweight durable aluminum frame and 100% Cherry MX gold-plated contact key switches, it boasts the reliability and accuracy you demand.
shera爸的拆解评测二十五:海盗船K70 RGB MK.2机械键盘
2018年12月21日 · 海盗船K70 RGB MK.2机械键盘是海盗船推出的第二代K70系列机械键盘,K70 RGB MK.2机械键延续了海盗船K70的拉丝金属面板、阶梯式斜面结构、悬浮式键轴的经典设计,优化了功能键的键位布局,功能键从单独的圆形按键改为三个方正按键,位置置于最左边,中间以金属隔离,更有质感,音量滚轮改为了类似于K95 RGB PLATINUM的反差银色,多媒体功能键与键位齐高,避免遮挡,同时K70 RGB MK.2配备8MB板载 内存,可离线储存三个配置文件, …
终于还是上了这条贼船,海盗船K70 RGB MK.2键盘开箱 - 知乎
今天开箱分享的这款键盘其实是一款老产品,没记错的话它应该是2018年就上市了,也是贼船旗下的一款经典型号: K70 RGB MK.2。 简开箱. 海盗船的家族式风格是黑黄配色,彩盒上的内容很丰富,除了键盘正面图外,还有一些特点介绍。 “快速响应的机械轴”无疑是指银轴,“8MB板载配置文件存储”代表MK.2版本加入了板载内存功能,再就是航空级阳极铝拉丝面板。 背面也是一些更详细的特性和卖点介绍。 附件比较简单,可拆卸手托、两组替换键帽+塑料拔键器、说明书和保修 …
K70 RGB MK.2 SE机械游戏键盘 — CHERRY® MX Speed (CN) - CORSAIR
The CORSAIR K70 RGB MK.2 SE is a premium mechanical gaming keyboard built to last, with silver aluminum frame, CHERRY MX Speed keyswitches, white PBT double-shot keycaps and stunning per-key RGB dynamic backlighting.
Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 Rapidfire Mechanical Gaming Keyboard …
The CORSAIR K70 RGB MK.2 RAPIDFIRE is a premium mechanical gaming keyboard built to last. Equipped with a lightweight durable aluminum frame and CHERRY MX Speed key switches, it boasts the reliability and accuracy you demand with blistering fast 1.2mm actuation.
K70 RGB MK.2 Low Profile Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - CORSAIR
The CORSAIR K70 RGB MK.2 Low Profile Mechanical Gaming Keyboard combines the all-day comfort of low-profile, low travel keys, with the performance of CHERRY® MX mechanical keyswitches and stunning RGB lighting. CORSAIR iCUE software brings your entire setup together, creating a fully immersive ecosystem with intuitive control. LEARN MORE.
Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 Review - RTINGS.com
2020年8月5日 · The Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 is a versatile keyboard with outstanding gaming performance. It's available in a few different switches, including Cherry MX Brown, Red, Blue, Silent Red, and Speed, so you can get the switches you prefer. The Cherry MX Brown switches we tested are light to press, great for gaming, and offer a great overall typing quality.
海盗船K70 RGB MK.2 LOW PROFILE机械键盘评测 - 什么值得买
2019年1月13日 · 在键盘设计上,k70rgb mk.2 lp采用阳极铝拉丝面板、两侧独立功能键+多媒体键设计,中间镜面rgb信仰logo,有丰富的rgb灯光和宏自定义功能,并且为配合樱桃mx lp银轴,k70 rgb mk.2 lp机身和键帽也做了超薄设计,整体看上去更纤细、小巧了许多。
Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - USB …
The CORSAIR K70 RGB MK.2 is a premium mechanical gaming keyboard built to last. Equipped with a lightweight durable aluminum frame and 100% CHERRY MX gold plated contact key switches, it boasts the reliability and accuracy you demand.