Pre-order — K9 Vidar Pack - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年8月31日 · The VIDAR is an export variant of the South Korean K9 Thunder self-propelled gun, developed during the mid 2010s as a replacement for outdated equipment used by the Norwegian Army at the time. Soon, the powerful VIDAR will join the ranks of the Swedish ground forces tree as a new premium ground vehicle arriving as part of the next major update! Briefly: A Norwegian export version of the South ...
VIDAR: Vengeance Divine - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年8月31日 · Le K9 VIDAR est une version d’exportation du canon automoteur sud-coréen K9 Thunder, développé au milieu des années 2010 en tant que remplaçant de l’équipement obsolète alors utilisé par l’Armée norvégienne. Bientôt, le puissant K9 VIDAR se joindra aux rangs de l’arbre des forces terrestres suédoises en tant que nouveau blindé premium arrivant dans le cadre de la prochaine ...
Przedsprzedaż - Zestaw K9 Vidar - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年8月31日 · K9 VIDAR to eksportowa wersja południowokoreańskiego działa samobieżnego K9 Thunder, opracowana w połowie 2010 roku jako zamiennik dla przestarzałego sprzętu, będącego wówczas w użyciu w armii norweskiej. Wkrótce potężny K9 VIDAR dołączy do szeregów szwedzkiego drzewka sił naziemnych jako nowy pojazd premium. Pojawi się w ramach zbliżającej się dużej aktualizacji! W ...
[Desarrollo] Reservar: VIDAR: Venganza Divina - War Thunder
2023年8月31日 · El VIDAR es una variante de exportación del cañón autopropulsado Surcoreano K9 Thunder, desarrollado a mediados de la década de 2010 como reemplazo del anticuado equipo utilizado por el Ejército Noruego en ese momento. ¡Pronto, el potente VIDAR se unirá a las filas del árbol de fuerzas terrestres Suecas como un nuevo vehículo terrestre premium que llegará como parte de la próxima ...
K9 Vidar - Bofors BONUS Munition - Ground - Official Forum
2024年3月26日 · K9 VIDARBOFORS BONUS MUNITION INTRODUCTIONThis is high-tech ammunition, which would probably take a while to get working in the game, but now you know that it is in use on the K9 Vidar and a little about the grenade itself WHAT IS AND HOW DOES BOFORS BONUS WORK?Bofors BONUS Munition is an 155mm artillery launched fire and forget munition which is capable of combating armored vehicles. This ...
[개발자 노트] 사전 구매: vidar: 복수의 화신 - War Thunder
2023年8月31日 · 월페이퍼 다운로드: 1920x1080 2560x1440 3840x2160 대한민국 K9 자주곡사포의 수출형인 K9 VIDAR 는 2010년대 중반에 노르웨이군이 사용했던 구식 장비를 대체하기 위해 도입된 장비입니다. 강력한 파괴력을 지닌 K9 VIDAR는 다음 메이저 업데이트를 통해 스웨덴 지상군 트리의 일원으로 등장할 예정입니다! 한 줄 ...
Pre-Order: VIDAR: Divine Vengeance - War Thunder
2023年8月31日 · The VIDAR is an export variant of the South Korean K9 Thunder self-propelled gun, developed during the mid 2010s as a replacement for outdated equipment used by the Norwegian Army at the time. Soon, the powerful VID…
K9 Vidar - 12.7mm ammunition mixture & definition - War Thunder
2024年3月29日 · INTRODUCTION Hello, after doing some research, I have found information regarding the ammunition for various vessels, including K9 Vidar and the ammunition used in the 12.7mm M2 Browning machinegun we have on it NM140 is in extensive use internationally.
K9 Vidar Cold Response 2022 skin/camouflage - War Thunder
2024年3月6日 · K9 VIDAR (CR22) - COLD RESPONSE 2022 WINTER SKIN/CAMOUFLAGE Here I would like to propose a skin also called camouflage for the Norwegian K9 Vidar. This would eventually be possible to get through buying the ones with golden eagles or achieve it by performing various tasks which then give points which are accumulated until you get the camouflage. They don’t put on the camouflage netting the ...
K9 Vidar - Missing NM28 Grenades - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2024年3月28日 · K9 VIDARMISSING NM28 GRENADES INTRODUCTION There should be several variants of the NM28 grenades, as the NM28 is compatible with all fuzes according to STANAG 2916. The NM28 is Norway’s version of the M107 and OEF-3, and should be similar to these, but with small changes, the two grenades this article & bug the report is about the “cost-effective” variants of these, which then means that ...