Large Format Rapida 145 & Rapida 164 - Koenig & Bauer
More than 50 years of experience in the building of large-format presses in unit design have flowed into the current Rapida 145 and Rapida 164 models. With up to 14 printing and inline finishing units, the most comprehensive large-format installations in …
利必达145和164系列印刷机已在其各自的幅面级别中树立了行业标杆。 高达每小时18,000张的生产速度,快速的印刷准备,极高的自动化水平和精确的联机质量控制系统,共同为高效和可盈利的生产打下了坚实的基础。
Rapida 145/164 ErgoTronic console Made by Koenig & Bauer • Customer Community – central interface to all digital services and to Koenig & Bauer • State-of-the-art operating concept on the ErgoTronic control console (including touchscreen for intelligent, straightforward handling) • Wall screen for visualisation of all press settings
164系列印刷机已在其各自的幅面级别中树立了行业标杆。 高达每小时18,000 张的生产速度,快速的印刷准备,极高的自动化水平和精确的联机质量控制系
New Rapida 164 from Koenig & Bauer in daily print operations
2021年11月23日 · A new Rapida 164 has been boosting print capacities at Walter Grieger for several months now. Production on the seven-colour press with coater and extended delivery is 15 to 20 per cent faster than on the company’s two previous-generation Rapida 164 presses.
KBA Rapida 145/164 | 5 DriveTronic feeder •otion functions controlled via four M servo motors • Continuous, stepless pile lift with automatic adaptation of the rate of lift for the most varied substrates • Automatic format setting • Automatic pile side edge alignment • Antistatic loosening and blower air • High-performance feeder ...
KBA RAPIDA RA164-5 SPC - pressXchange
KBA: Model Range: RA 164: Colours: 5: Year: 2016: Additional Machine Details: DriveTronic SPC simultaneous plate change parallel to other make-ready processes ErgoTronic Color Control with TouchTronic operating concept QualiTronic Color Control inline color measurement and control system to determine density values in color bars on the press ...
KBA Rapida 164 - Printing News
The “KBA DriveTronic” concept stands for dedicated drive technologies, maximum operator convenience and exceptionally fast makeready and job changes. Consistent implementation of the modern drive concept on the Rapida 164 starts at the shaftless DriveTronic feeder with its individual, direct drives for all controlled motions.
Großformat Rapida 145 & Rapida 164 - Koenig & Bauer
Wegweisende Innovationen machen die Baureihen Rapida 145 und Rapida 164 in ihren Formatklassen einzigartig. Da auch im Großformat die Auflagen sinken, ist die Automatisierungs- und Bedienphilosophie darauf ausgerichtet, Rüstzeiten auf das Maß moderner Mittelformatmaschinen zu reduzieren.
高宝 Rapid164大幅面单张纸胶印机_单张纸胶印机_印刷设备_产品_
Rapida 164有针对各种市场应用的配置型号,如面向商业印刷、书刊印刷和包装印刷,可以装配1-2个上光单元,干燥单元、双面印刷、加高纸堆装置、PileTronic装置、为厚纸、厚纸板及瓦楞纸配备的附件。