Inspections - KBEMS - Kentucky
2024年10月1日 · KBEMS is organized into three regions for the inspectors. Click here to view and download the PNG map. Map updated on 10/01/2024.
Welcome - KBEMS
Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services 500 Mero Street, 5th Floor 5SE32, Frankfort, KY 40601
Certification & Licensure - KBEMS - Kentucky
Proof of successful completion of a board-approved Wilderness Paramedic course by evidence of a board-issued course number with training through a KBEMS-certified EMS-TEI. Obtain certification as a wilderness paramedic (WP-C) from the International Board of Special Certification (IBSC).
Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services
The main purpose of the KBEMS is to certify first responders, emergency medical technicians, and to license paramedics and ambulance services and our mission is to provide the best possible emergency medical services for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
The Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services
Click on the map to see the regions page.
202 KAR 7:501. Ambulance providers and medical ... - State of …
2016年8月1日 · (5) Providers shall provide the KBEMS office with an accurate map and a written description of its geographic service area within the Commonwealth, which shall identify with specificity the complete boundary of the area served by the provider when applying for initial licensure or if the service area has changed since the last map was provided ...
202 KAR 7:501reg. Ambulance and medical first response agencies
2016年8月1日 · (5)[Providers shall provide the KBEMS office with an accurate map and a written description of its geographic service area within the Commonwealth, which shall identify with specificity the complete boundary of the area served by the provider when applying for initial licensure or if the service area has changed since the last map was provided ...
Newly Drafted KY State Protocols are Open for Comment
The Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services (KBEMS) is proposing new changes to the current Kentucky State Protocols. See the newly proposed KY State Protocols HERE and a copy of the suggested changes listed HERE .
Title 202 | Chapter 007 | Regulation 501 - Legislative Research …
A written description of the ambulance agency's geographic service area within the Commonwealth, which shall identify with specificity the complete boundary of the area served by the provider upon applying for initial licensure or if the service area has changed since the last map was provided to the KBEMS office.
Protocols & Destination Guidance - KBEMS - Kentucky
The Memorandum regarding 2023 State Protocol Update can be found here: (KBEMS State Protocol Memo 4.21.23.pdf) and has been sent to the emails on KEMSIS for Service Directors and Medical Directors. Please read the memo for more information including timeframe for allowing agencies to transition and directions on how.