红外制样-压片法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
二、固体分散剂:压片法最常见是 溴化钾 KBr压片,KBr作为固体分散剂,高压下易于晶型转换,且中红外区基本无吸收,KBr需采用光谱纯,对KBr干燥可翻阅我的前文《水和二氧化碳红外光谱》。除了用KBr外,还可不可以用其他固体分散剂?
Preparation of Samples for IR Spectroscopy as KBr Disks
Powders, being examined by Infrared Spectroscopy, in transmission, are generally prepared by mulling in liquid paraffin (Nujol), or by grinding with potassium bromide (KBr) powder. The latter is then pressed into a disk.
什么是红外光谱中的 KBr 圆片法?固体样品分析指南
KBr(溴化钾)圆盘法是红外(IR)光谱学中广泛使用的一种技术,用于制备固体样品以供分析。 这种方法是将少量样品与 KBr 粉末混合,在高压下将混合物压成透明圆盘,然后使用红外光谱分析圆盘。 KBr 盘法尤其适用于分析难以溶解或不适合其他制备技术的固体样品。 KBr 圆片的透明度允许红外辐射通过,从而能够检测样品的分子振动,并提供有关其化学结构的宝贵信息。 KBr 盘法的主要目的是制备固体样品,以便进行红外光谱分析。 这种方法尤其适用于不溶于普通溶剂或 …
什么是 KBr 圆片?高分辨率红外光谱分析的关键技术
KBr 圆盘,也称为溴化钾圆盘,是一种广泛用于红外 (IR) 光谱的特殊样品制备技术。它包括将样品与精细研磨的溴化钾 (KBr) 粉末混合,在高压下压制混合物以形成透明颗粒,然后使用红外光谱对其进行分析。
为什么在红外光谱分析中使用 Kbr 圆片?准确分析样品的主要优势 …
KBr(溴化钾)圆片广泛应用于红外(IR)光谱分析,因为它对红外辐射是透明的,并且为制备固体样品提供了一种简单有效的介质。KBr 具有化学惰性,易于处理,与样品混合后可形成清晰、均匀的基质,从而获得准确、可重复的红外光谱。
Elimination of interference from water in KBr disk FT-IR spectra of ...
2017年11月1日 · Absorbed water interference in KBr is finally eliminated from important regions of FTIR spectra. A novel chemometric method corrects spectra in KBr disks by eliminating water interference. An R-matrix model was solved via exponential decay kinetic modeling of the KBr water absorption.
FT‐IR Sample Preparation - NIU - Department of Chemistry and …
KBr pellets/disks (for solid samples) In order to prepare a KBr pellet, follow the procedure given below: Sample/KBr ratio. The concentration of the sample in KBr should be in the range of 0.2 to 1 percent. The pellet is much thicker than a liquid film, hence a lower concentration in the sample is required (Beer's Law).
4. KBr pellets/disks (for solid samples) In order to prepare a KBr pellet, follow the procedure given below: Chemistry Analytical Lab FT-IR Spectroscopy Sample preparation for FT-IR
What is a KBr disc? A Key Technique for High-Resolution IR …
A KBr disc, also known as a potassium bromide disc, is a specialized sample preparation technique widely used in infrared (IR) spectroscopy. It involves mixing a sample with finely ground potassium bromide (KBr) powder, pressing the mixture under high pressure to form a transparent pellet, and then analyzing it using IR spectroscopy.
How is Potassium Bromide Used in Infrared Spectroscopy? - AZoM.com
2022年5月10日 · To summarize, KBr is optically transparent in the fingerprint region of IR spectroscopy and hence is used as a carrier in the form of a disk or pellet. Structural determination of sensitive biomolecules like proteins was possible by employing FTIR and the KBr disk technique, especially in determining their primary and secondary structures.