Neuron cilia restrain glial KCC-3 to a microdomain to regulate ...
Glial KCC-3 is transported to ad-neuronal regions, where distal cilia of non-AFD glia-associated chemosensory neurons constrain it to a microdomain at AFD-contacting glial membranes. …
A Glial K/Cl Transporter Controls Neuronal Receptive Ending Shape …
2016年5月5日 · KCC-3, a K/Cl transporter, localizes specifically to a glial microdomain surrounding AFD receptive ending microvilli, where it regulates K + and Cl − levels. We find …
Glial cells are more than our brain’s ‘glue’ - Fred Hutch
2024年2月29日 · Disruptions of KCC-3 is linked to a severe brain development disorder called agenesis of the corpus callosum or Anderman Syndrome, and to seizure susceptibility and …
Cryo-EM structures of the full-length human KCC2 and KCC3 …
2020年11月16日 · The electroneutral K + -Cl − cotransporters (KCCs) play fundamental roles in trans-epithelial transport, cell volume regulation, and neuronal excitability. 1 The neuronal …
Sci Adv | 解析人源钾氯共转运蛋白KCC2,3,4的冷冻电镜结构
2020年12月14日 · 在此基础上,研究人员提出了KCC家族蛋白被激活的模型 (图3),在自抑制状态下,N末端肽段结合在面向胞质的腔中,并将转运蛋白锁定在向内构象中。
A glial K (+) /Cl (-) cotransporter modifies temperature-evoked ...
Here, we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans K (+) /Cl (-) cotransporter KCC-3 is expressed in glial-like cells and regulates the thermosensory behavior through modifying temperature …
Neuron cilia constrain glial regulators to microdomains around …
2023年3月18日 · For one glial cue, K/Cl transporter KCC-3, microdomain-localization occurs through a two-step, neuron-dependent process. First, KCC-3 shuttles to glial apical …
Title 3 - PERSONNEL - King County, Washington
2025年1月30日 · An employee who is eligible for comprehensive leave benefits under K.C.C. 3.12.040 and who volunteers or is ordered to serve in the United States Uniformed Services, …
Common Core Math Worksheets - K.CC.3
Common core worksheets and activities for K.CC.3 / Counting And Cardinality / Know Number Names And The Count Sequence. / Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of …
Neuron cilia restrain glial KCC-3 to a microdomain to regulate ...
Glial KCC-3 is transported to ad-neuronal regions, where distal cilia of non-AFD glia-associated chemosensory neurons constrain it to a microdomain at AFD-contacting glial membranes. …