Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York | Contact
(718) 366-9540 (718) 534-4149; Palisades Park. Mon. - Fri.: 9am to 5pm; 410 Broad Ave. #201, Palisades Park, NJ 07650 (201) 429-2866; Appointment required* ... “The purpose of KCS notifying you is to send out reminders about community events, encouraging our volunteers to vote, or gathering feedback on our Organizational procedures. ” in ...
Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York | KCS …
2024年6月28日 · Founded in 1973, Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc (KCS) is the oldest and largest 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization assisting Korean-Americans and other immigrant communities in the greater New York City area with economic empowerment, social well-being, and health and wellness.
Kcs Flushing Neighborhood Senior Center - Senior Center in …
KCS Flushing Neighborhood Senior Center. 42-15 166th Street, Flushing, NY 11358. (718) 886-8203. Helen Ahn. [email protected]. http://www.kcsny.org/
Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York | Public …
We can help you enroll in free or low-cost health insurance through: For free and confidential counseling and healthcare enrollment assistance, make an appointment with us. Korean, Chinese, and Spanish-speaking navigators are available. We are part of the Managed Care & Consumer Assistance Program (MCCAP) network.
Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York Inc. KCS
2012年5月10日 · KCS Korean American Senior Center of Flushing : Address: 42-15 166 St Flushing, NY 11358
KCS Adult Day Care Center | Flushing Adult Day Care
Name: KCS Adult Day Care Center Address: 35-56 159th Street, Flushing NY 11358 Contact Phone: (718) 429-9391
Korean American Senior Center - Flushing - Lemontree Directory
New Membership Monday to Friday 9:00 – 11:30 AM (Case Assistance) (By appointment only) Tel: 718-886-8203 Contribution; Breakfast 1$ and Lunch 2$
가스 폭발 피해자 돕기, 한인사회 온정 넘친다 - 미주중앙일보
2008年7月31日 · 플러싱 아파트 가스폭발로 피해를 입은 한인들을 돕기 위한 동포들의 온정이 이어지고 있다. 뉴욕중앙일보가 한인봉사센터 (KCS)와 함께 벌이고 있는 플러싱 폭발사고 피해자 돕기 캠페인에는 첫날부터 뉴욕은 물론 뉴저지와 펜실베이니아에 사는 동포들이 십시일반으로 정성을 모았다. 한인 종교계와 단체들도 발벗고 나섰다. 장영춘 (퀸즈장로교회) 목사는 "사고 소식을 듣고 고통을 당하는 이웃을 외면할 수 없어 작은 힘이나마 보탠다"고 밝혔다. 휘광 스님 …
사흘 만에 1만2600불 모금…가스폭발 피해자 돕기 - 미주중앙일보
2008年8月2日 · 뉴욕중앙일보와 뉴욕한인봉사센터 (KCS)가 공동으로 펼치는 모금 운동에는 종교계를 비롯해 지역한인회.동문회.기업.개인 등 각계각층이 참여해 사흘 만에 1만2600달러가 모아졌다. 플러싱 아파트 가스 폭발 피해자를 돕는 온정이 이어지고 있다. 뉴욕중앙일보와 뉴욕한인봉사센터 (KCS)가 공동으로 펼치는 모금 운동에는 종교계를 비롯해 지역한인회.동문회.기업...
Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York | Young …
YASP (Young Adult Service Program) connects Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) high school and college students with internships at various community organizations and the offices of local elected officials throughout NYC.