KDE 2.0 Release Announcement - KDE Community
2000年10月23日 · The KDE Team today announced the release of KDE 2.0, KDE's powerful, modular, Internet-enabled desktop. This highly anticipated release constitutes the next generation of the award-winning KDE 1 series, which culminated in the release of …
K Desktop Environment 2 - Wikipedia
The KDE 2.2 release featured up to a 50% improvement in application startup time on Linux systems and increased stability and capabilities for HTML rendering and JavaScript. A number of new plugins were included in Konqueror. KMail received the addition of IMAP support (including SSL and TLS), while KOrganizer got native iCalendar support ...
KDE 2 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
KDE 2 是 KDE 發布的第二個系列。 有三個主要的發布這系列中。 KDE 2採用了重大的技術改進 [1]。 DCOP (Desktop COmmunication Protocol),一個客戶端對客戶端通信協議的中介器藉由標準的 X11 ICE 函式庫的伺服器。 [1] KIO,應用程序I/O函式庫。 具有網絡通透性並可訪問 HTTP 、 FTP 、 POP 、 IMAP 、 NFS 、 SMB 、 LDAP 和本地文件。 此外,它的設計允許開發人員可以"drop in"增加協定,如 WebDAV,這將自動可用於所有的KDE應用程序。 KIO也可以設置 …
KDE 2.0 is Out! - KDE.news
2000年10月24日 · The KDE Team today announced the release of KDE 2.0 (named Kopernicus), KDE's powerful, modular, Internet-enabled desktop. This highly anticipated release constitutes the next generation of the award-winning KDE 1 series, which culminated in the release of KDE 1.1.2 just over a year ago.
KDE 2.0 Info Page - KDE Community
2000年9月23日 · KDE 2.0 was released on October 23, 2000. Read the official announcement. For a high-level overview of the features of KDE, see the KDE info page. For a graphical tutorial on using KDE 2, see this tutorial page from Linux Mandrake. Updates. Meanwhile, KDE 2.1 has been released. It contains many new features and a lot of bug fixes.
KDE 2.0.1, Now Ready for Download - KDE.news
2000年12月5日 · The KDE Team has just announced the release of KDE 2.0.1. While the release is primarily for updated translations and documentation and for the addition of Japanese as a supported language, it also fixes many of the very annoying bugs in 2.0. A summary of the fixes and a KDE 2.0.1 Info Page are also available. As always, enjoy!
KDE 2.0 - 哥白尼正式推出! - Linux文化 - Linux教程
两年来漫长的等待,kde 2.0 终于推出了! 除了承袭 KDE 1.1.2 的优点外,KDE2 还包括以下的特色:以 Qt 2.2.1 为基础。 以 Konqueror 整合档案管理员及文件浏览器等功能,提供桌面环境与网页浏览器整合特色。
KDE Desktop 2.0 Final Release Candidate Available
2000年10月12日 · The KDE Team today announced the release of KDE 2.0 RC2, the second and (barring any unforeseen problems) final release candidate for Kopernicus (KDE 2.0), KDE's next-generation, powerful, modular desktop. The KDE team has previously released five Beta versions -- the first on May 10 of this year -- publicly; the sole prior release candidate ...
Programming Kde 2.0: Creating Linux Desktop Applications
2000年12月30日 · Version 2.0 of KDE features innovations in the API and the use of KOM techniques. This book introduces C++ programmers to the K Desktop Environment with a comprehensive tutorial ranging from general principles and libraries to component programming and interprogram communications.
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KDE 2 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2022年12月10日 · KDE 2 是 KDE 发布的第二个系列。 有三个主要的发布这系列中。 KDE 2采用了重大的技术改进 [1]。 DCOP (Desktop COmmunication Protocol),一个客户端对客户端通信协议的中介器借由标准的 X11 ICE 函数库的服务器。 [1] KIO,应用程序I/O函数库。 具有网络通透性并可访问 HTTP 、 FTP 、 POP 、 IMAP 、 NFS 、 SMB 、 LDAP 和本地文件。 此外,它的设计允许开发人员可以"drop in"增加协议,如 WebDAV,这将自动可用于所有的KDE应用程序 …