REFERENCE 8b Subwoofer | KEF USA
Delivering exceptional bass precision and control with zero distortion, Reference 8b is a truly extraordinary subwoofer. For power with accuracy the Reference 8b sub has two 500W Class D amplifiers, each driving a 228mm (9 inch) long-throw, ultra-low distortion driver.
REFERENCE 8b 超低音扬声器 | KEF
KEF REFERENCE 8b 超低音扬声器以零失真的非凡表现实现了出色的低音精度与控制力,配得上The Reference 的家庭影院标准。 为了实现强大的功率和卓越的精准度,REFERENCE 8b 超低音扬声器采用两个 500W D 级放大器,每个都驱动着一个 228 mm(9 inch)的长冲程超低失真单元,二者在强支撑式声学惰性箱体中以背靠背方式相连。 这款罕见的精品之作能够以小尺寸轻松呈现低失真低音效果。
KEF Kube8b 8 Inch 300 Watt Powered Subwoofer (Black)
2017年11月1日 · The KUBE 8b is a 300W 8" front-firing, sealed box powered subwoofer whose output is powerful as much as it is musical. Each KUBE comes with 3 pre-programmed custom EQ settings - free standing, corner, and wall and in-cabinet installations - …
Kube8b 超重低音揚聲器 | KEF 香港
搭載 8 吋低音單元的 Kube8b,最適合空間有限的細小房間。 Kube8b 所內建的 300W Class D 擴大器,規格與同系更高階型號相同,另外亦搭載 iBX 技術以大大增強低頻深度。 The Kube8b 釋放強大威力時毫不費勁,搭載 iBX 技術以顯著加強低頻下潛的深度。 KEF 的獨特優勢,是由內部自行設計、生產和裝配單元,致力追求極盡完美,為您帶來臨場體驗般的音樂與家庭影院享受,直達靈魂深處。 要聽就聽最震撼的。 由 KEF 設計及工程團隊協力研發的 iBX 技術,是低頻延伸的 …
Kube8b Subwoofer - Compact Subwoofer - KEF UK
Elevate your audio with the Kube 8b Subwoofer, delivering rich and immersive low-frequency sound. Discover how this compact powerhouse can improve your acoustics.
KEF KUBE8b 低音炮 - kef音响-kef音箱怎么样 - --hifi家庭影院音响网
Kube8b 配备 8 英寸驱动单元,小型客厅的理想之选。 与 KEF Kube 超低音扬声器系列一道开辟声音之隐藏深度,探索音效之新维度。 设计优雅的超低音扬声器全部采用全密闭式单元,能够轻松自然地爆发出强大音效。 iBX技术加强低音的下潜深度,在正常听音位置甚至最极端的听音位置都能发挥驱动单元的全部潜能。 KEF独有的设计,制造,装配能力,让产品优化迈上了一个新的台阶。 营造身临其境的音乐、 家庭影院 音效,让您全身心陶醉于表演的世界之中。 震撼体验. 前所 …
REFERENCE 8b Subwoofer - Open Box | KEF USA
Delivering exceptional bass precision and control with zero distortion, Reference 8b is a truly extraordinary subwoofer. For power with accuracy the Reference 8b sub has two 500W Class D amplifiers, each driving a 228mm (9 inch) long-throw, ultra-low distortion driver.
REFERENCE 8b Subwoofer - KEF International
Delivering exceptional bass precision and control with zero distortion, Reference 8b is a truly extraordinary subwoofer. Hand-built in Maidstone, UK. *This product may take 12-14 weeks for delivery. For power with accuracy the Reference 8b sub has two 500W Class D amplifiers, each driving a 228mm (9 inch) long-throw, ultra-low distortion driver.
REFERENCE 8b Subwoofer | KEF 香港
The Reference 8b 強大力量與聲音準確度兩者並重,配備兩組 500W Class D 擴大器,分別各自推動一組 228mm(9 in.)長衝程、超低失真發聲單元。 發聲單元以背對背形式安裝在結構堅固的聲學惰性音箱,有著超低失真的低音表現,而且箱體設計不會過大過重。
KEF KUBE 8b Subwoofer Review and Specs - Speaker Decision
KUBE 8b is a Sealed type Powered Subwoofer by KEF with a frequency range of 34-140 Hz. It features 1 x 8" Not given Woofer, and powered by a Class D 300 watts amplifier. KUBE 8b is a member of KEF's KUBE series of Powered subwoofers. Below you can see the main specs of these subwoofers as well as review and comparison links.