KEF transmission line project | DIY Audio Projects
2015年10月2日 · After prompting from another SNA member, I spent some time going through my files and dug out the information on the Bailey transmission line enclosures (as described in the May 1972 issue of Wireless World). I built a pair in 1973 and loved them for more than a decade. Very fine sounding speaker...
KEF Concerto - Baileys Transmission lines crossover upgrade
2016年4月12日 · Hi guys, I have a early pair of the bailey's transmission line speakers that use the B139, B110 & T27. I have finally listened to them but the T27 seem to roll off too early which you miss all the fine detail at the top end. They have the original untouched DN12 crossover. I want these to sound their best in changing or upgrading the crossovers.
Vintagehifi.dk • Vis emne - KEF Bailey transmissionline
2013年2月20日 · Har lige byttet mig til sådan et sæt dog uden mellemtoner og diskanter. Opdaterer løbende om istandsættelsen. Erfaringer og ideer er velkomne under vejs. Som det ses har mine Bailyer diskanten (T27) monteret under mellemtonen (B110) og i separat kabinet.
Kef Bailey and FR125 - diyAudio
Try disconnecting the tweeter and running the FR125 full range at the top. A good candidate for bi-amping too ... get the XO down to the baffle step will allow that issue to be easily ajustable and the lower XO will allow greater attenuation of the B139s problems at ~1k. We want pictures, Lars... Not open for further replies.
What to do with KEF B139s and T15s? A TL? - diyAudio
2023年11月28日 · I've got 2x KEF 139 Mk2 SP6171 (the 'Racetrack' I think?) and two T15 tweeters - both from a Celeste Mk2. I inherited the speakers and the cabinets have suffered badly from damp.
Lets talk classic KEF based transmission lines!
2006年11月29日 · The KEF B139 was THE transmission line woofer going way back. I have a paper by A. R. Bailey from 1965 with a TL example showing the B139 with Celestion 1306 tweeter.
Kef based transmission lines - diyAudio
2006年9月14日 · About 30 years ago, I had Kef Concerto kit made speakers. There was almost the same shape shallow opening for the crossower. The top vent will be the end of the Transmission line for the B139 and the middle one for the B110 from memory. I've got some plans somewhere. I'll have to do some digging.
KEF transmission line project - Page 2 - DIY Audio Projects
2015年10月2日 · I decided to try the 1972 Bailey design. I will built the cabin for the B139 alone and place on top the CS1's enclosure after removing the CS1 crossover since the FN10 will be used (with SP1057 though).
Kef Bailey TL - Hifi4All
Jeg kender den KEF Bailey ret godt, da jeg har haft to sæt af dem, hvor jeg selv byggede det første sæt selv. Jeg mener, at jeg har de originale tegninger og tegninger til nyt delefilter fra dansk audio teknik liggende, men jeg er ikke 100% sikker kun 98%.
Kef transmission line speakers - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo ...
2019年1月3日 · I bought a pair of vintage Kef transmission line speakers. They have the t27 tweeters b110 midrange and the 139 woofer. They sound very good but it seems there lacking something. Not sure if it needs a super tweeter and if so which ones? And what do I …