Journey Through Sound: High-Fidelity Enters the Metaverse | KEF ...
As an entrance into the limitless virtual and digital worlds, KEF collaborated with creative studio Parameta and generative artist Heiroglyphica to create a series of NFTs which embody the process of noise becoming sound through KEF's award-winning Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT).
聲音之旅:當高傳真音質與元宇宙相遇 | KEF 台灣
英國音響領導品牌 KEF 隆重推出「Absorbed」獨一無二的生成藝術品系列。 此靈感來自於 LS60 Wireless 落地式無線揚聲器,並以 NFT 形式限量發行 1060 個,其持有者將享有未來全球活動、會員福利及 KEF 元宇宙體驗。
"Journey Through Sound" 展覽 | KEF 香港
KEF的支持者和LS60 Wireless用家不僅有機會獲得自己的NFT,他們亦有機會參與KEF即將推出的「進入元宇宙」體驗活動,其中包括虛擬現場樂隊音樂會、沉浸式展廳、聲學藝廊和聲學3D雕塑,以上都將於KEF專屬的元宇宙空間中展現。
專訪英國音響品牌KEF總裁 進軍NFT是投資非投機
2023年2月24日 · 推出NFT 是投資非投機 如Grace所言,未來發展是要在不同形式去吸引顧客,難怪KEF早前宣布向NFT領域進發,並推出Absorbed一系列獨一無二的生成藝術品,究竟是一回怎樣的事?
A Journey Through Sound: Discover KEF’s "Absorbed" NFT
KEF celebrates its 60th anniversary with its first-ever NFT drop, Absorbed, comprising 1060 one-of-a-kind NFTs inspired by its iconic LS60 Wireless speakers.
Journey Through Sound:一同探索KEF推出的「Absorbed」NFT
為慶祝成立60週年,KEF首度發行NFT收藏品「Absorbed」,以招牌的LS60 Wireless揚聲器為靈感設計,限量1,060個。
Metaverse | KEF UK
What is an NFT? A non-fungible token, or NFT, is an asset that carries a unique digital identity stored in the form of a distributed ledger – a ‘blockchain’. This blockchain is used to prove the ownership and provenance of unique items or utility, whether digital or physical.
KEF - 就在這裡。透過「Absorbed」進入 #KEFMetaverse,這是我 …
透過「Absorbed」進入 #KEFMetaverse,這是我們與生成藝術家 Hieroglyphica 及創意工作室 Parameta 聯乘合作創作的首個 NFT 系列。 憑藉您的「Absorbed」NFT,您將獲邀請參加全球獨家活動,包括近距離的現場音樂會以及藝術及聲音表演。
KEF – NFT Calendar
2023年2月8日 · KEF (a distinct version of Rudeneja that is the origin) is a generative art project that explores the ethereal beauty of mystic forests. The project is a visual representation of the interplay between light, mist, and the dense forest, creating a dream-like atmosphere.
Journey Through Sound at KEF Music Gallery
2022年12月14日 · Several global artists also designed unique NFT collections for live minting exclusively at the event, with guests enjoying the chance to mint a limited number of Absorbed artworks.