R Series | KEF USA
Whether in stereo for music or in a home theatre set up the R Series makes exceptional acoustic performance more accessible. Now with the groundbreaking Metamaterial Absorption Technology, the R Series reveals exquisite detail and incredible insight: truly …
R 系列 | KEF
KEF 推出了包括 R 系列在内的多款建筑级扬声器与模块化 HiFi 扬声器,无需特别定制安装,即可在家中享受良好的观影体验。 R 系列包含三款落地式扬声器、一款书架式扬声器、两款中置扬声器和额外一款杜比全景声环绕声扬声器,只需简单配置,即可实现不同的 ...
R11 Meta | KEF USA
The R11 Meta is the largest floorstanding model of the R Series. For a breathtaking listening experience, its combination of 12 th generation Uni-Q ® driver array with MAT ™ and four 6.5” hybrid aluminium bass drivers allow it to pick out the subtle details of a recording, while also delivering raw power and agility.
Since 1961, KEF has strived to reproduce pure sound precisely as it was meant to be heard. Decades of experience in acoustic innovation and the quest for music perfection come together in the R Series to deliver sound with more detail and deeper insight; sound that ignites excitement every time you experience it.
R Series HiFi 揚聲器 | KEF 香港
專為 KEF 旗艦系列 The Reference 打造的最新技術,現已應用於 R 系列。 不論是作為立體聲音響還是家庭影院配置,R 系列讓卓越聲學體驗融入日常生活。 R 系列現已配備Metamaterial Absorption Technology,讓原始音質的絲縷細節以絕佳深度具體呈現,值得您細細品嘗。
不挑座位的好声音:体验以 KEF R Meta 系列为首组建的影院音箱 …
> 汇聚KEF技术最新结晶. R Meta系列包括3款落地箱、1款书架箱、2款中置箱,以及1款可壁挂或置于音箱之上作反射用的全景声音箱,R11 Meta是尺寸最大的落地箱,R5 Meta是尺寸最小的落地箱。本代R Meta系列最大特点就是加入了MAT技术。
R Series - Speaker Systems - KEF UK
R Series offers a choice of floorstanding speakers, bookshelf speakers, centre channel speakers and accompanying home theatre models. Each one offers the finest sound KEF has ever delivered in its category, whatever the dimensions of the room or system configuration.
R series - KEF Asia Pacific
The R Series has been engineered to perform with or without grilles. The dedicated microfibre grilles are crafted from multiple layers of material and have a suede-like feel. With 1801 precision-cut holes for each driver, performance is ensured even when the drivers are covered.
KEF「R 系列」详细评测:千项极致优化加英伦喇叭绝对本年度最佳 …
Oct 24, 2018 · KEF「R 系列」详细评测:千项极致优化加英伦喇叭绝对本年度最佳之作 . KEF全新R系列的焦点是喇叭经彻底改造,由外观至其音质均经全面大改造。而此系列也继承了旗舰级Reference 系列特质,配合上多项最新研发技术,让声音更细腻,细节还原度更高。
R Series - KEF International
Whether in stereo for music or in a home theatre set up the R Series makes exceptional acoustic performance more accessible. Now with the groundbreaking Metamaterial Absorption Technology, the R Series reveals exquisite detail and incredible insight: truly …