KEF T2 subwoofer - AVS Forum
2013年9月26日 · I had to use two subwoofers ... BUT, one of the woofers stands on the top of the 6.7' high wardrobe, which is located at the back wall. And this woofer is KEF T-2. It looks excellent, it sound excellent. Because of the unique dimensions (6,7" deep) is probably the only woofer on the market, which is suitable to stand of the top of my 12" deep ...
Kef T2 Subwoofer Humming.. - AVS Forum
2013年3月30日 · Originally Posted by Salty Dog /t/1465873/kef-t2-subwoofer-humming#post_23157716 Unfortunately there is 16g speaker wire run so I had to adapt to RCA ends. The only ones I could find at the time had 24g wire for pigtails. As soon as I find some decent ones with screw down contacts ill change them. I really hope that is the problem but I …
Which slim subwoofer to choose (KEF T2, Jamo S810, ELAC...
2024年7月1日 · 1. KEF T2 2. Jamo S810 3. ELAC 2020 4. Monoprice SSW-12 Does anyone have any experience with the following models? Or knows of a better sub with with width or depth under 10inches, ideally 8 inches? Basically, I just want to get the best sub for the size.
Kef T2 Subwoofer - AVS Forum
2019年1月6日 · Hi all. I recently purchased the Kef T305 speaker package along with two Kef in-ceiling Atmos speakers.I have them connected to a Denon AVR-X3400H receiver.Whilst running the initial Audyssey set-up, it says my sub is too high.As the Kef T2 sub doesn't have a volume control, I leave it to Audyssey to set the sub trim which it did to -2.5db.
Twin KEF T2 active subwoofer set-up? - AVForums
2020年3月12日 · Anyone have an opionion of what a twin KEF T2 subwoofer system would sound like in a medium sized room? Running a Sony STR-DN1060 and T305 5.1 speaker system for both AV and music. The amp has 2 sub connections, gotta be a good reason :- ) Would like a fuller base sound without shaking the neighbours china plate collection off the walls.
Question - Replacing Kef T2 Subwoofer - AVForums
2019年6月15日 · My current surround set up is a black KEF T105, which comprises of T101s for fronts and rears, T101c as a centre, and a T2 sub. We are currently redecorating to turn the room from darker shades to white and some very light greys (floor included), and the speakers will follow the decor (eventually the TV as well although the choice is very limited).
Kef T2 Sub won't go into standy - AVS Forum
2013年2月21日 · Weird problem. I bought myself a KEF T205 with a Denon AVR 2313 a few weeks ago. No when connecting the sub T2 to the Denon, i heard some humming from the sub, turned out a bad cable. Replaced it and all worked good, expect that the sub won't go into standy mode when there is no signal.
KEF T305 / T2 Subwoofer / Outlaw LFM-1 Plus - AVS Forum
2014年11月29日 · I have purchased a KEF T305 System. The KEF T305 System comes with a KEF T2 Subwoofer. For those of you who have this system or have heard the T2 Subwoofer, would you suggest adding another T2 Subwoofer to the system or adding another brand subwoofer? I am thinking about either adding another T2 Subwoofer or the Outlaw LFM-1 Plus.
Which Subwoofer: REL T2/T3 vs B&W AS2 vs KEF HTB2?
2007年8月2日 · B&W comes with its own AS2 sub, but the store also carries REL T2 and T3. REL T3 would be the same price as B&W AS2... Also, to throw in the mix, KEF HTB2 fits the bill, sounds fine and looks amazing...
Question - KEF T2 SUB - AVForums
2018年12月26日 · KEF currently playing hard ball quoting crazy prices to even take a look at it, & even then they doubt they can fix as they no longer have spare parts for this model, what!!! after just 6 year, and the unit is still being actively sold a t £600!! Other prospective purchasers of the KEF T2 beware!