Uni-Q Technology | KEF International
KEF’s innovative, patent-pending Uni-Core technology redefines the physical space high-performance speakers and subwoofers required to deliver deep and accurate bass.
Stream audiophile-grade power from any source. Precise, high-performance loudspeakers built with revolutionary KEF technology. Encapsulating KEF’s innovative technologies that bring you closer to the movies and music you love. Designed for listening to music today - all the convenience of digital with the depth of true HiFi.
[剖析]KEF全新Q系列徹底改款,Uni-Q同軸單體實力大爆發-普洛影 …
2011年5月11日 · 在昨日(5/10日)舉行的KEF台灣分公司正式成立發表會中,就正式發表了KEF兩大全新系列,分別是中低價位的Q系列與專為薄形電視而開發的T系列。
LS50 Meta | KEF USA
LS50 Meta is a highly precise, emotionally engaging loudspeaker built on revolutionary acoustic technology. Designed around the Uni-Q 12th Generation with Metamaterial Absorption Technology driver array, this solid, compact loudspeaker is capable of delivering detailed sound anywhere in the room. WHAT HI-FI? AWARDS 2022 - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR.
KEF Q70 Specifications - Audio Database
Q series tall boy type speaker system with UNI-Q driver. Two 16 cm cone type woofers made of polypropylene cone are installed in the lower range. These units are tuned differently to adjust the volume of the enclosure and the bass reflex port.
产品 | KEF
产品 | KEF ... KEF CN
Q 系列 | KEF
在最具活力和创新精神的工业设计师中,KEF 的长期合作者 Michael Young 以其优雅、简约和充满个性的风格而闻名。 Q 系列是入门级 HiFi 扬声器 系列,具有无与伦比的品质和灵活性,性价比极高。 Q 系列扬声器既可作为独立的扬声器,也可作为音响组合,是您进入高保真音响领域的敲门砖,让您能够随着时间的推移,打造出量身定制的家庭影院系统。 Q 系列扬声器有丝绒黑、丝绒白和胡桃木三种颜色可供选择,可轻松融入任何室内装修风格。 Q 系列采用了我们高端产品系列 …
Hi-Fi Speakers & Headphones | KEF International
Precise, high-performance loudspeakers built with revolutionary KEF technology. Encapsulating KEF’s innovative technologies that bring you closer to the movies and music you love. Designed for listening to music today - all the convenience of digital with the depth of true HiFi.
Uni-Q 技術的起源 | KEF 香港
Uni-Q 是 KEF 音響的核心專利,單點音源設計將兩個驅動單元置中並合一,實現了卓越的聲音均勻性和定位精準度。 立即了解 Uni-Q 技術的研發歷程和應用!
KEF - Wikipedia
KEF is a British company specialising in the design and production of a range of high-end audio products, including HiFi speakers, subwoofers, architecture speakers, wireless speakers, and headphones. It was founded in Maidstone, Kent, in 1961 by a BBC engineer named Raymond Cooke (1925–1995).