KEF XQ40 Loudspeakers - SoundStageXperience.com
KEF’s XQ line consists of two bookshelf models, two towers, a center-channel, and a subwoofer, the three-way XQ40 tower ($4500 USD per pair) being the top dog.
KEF Audio XQ40 Main / Stereo Speaker Floorstanding Speakers
2012年10月14日 · This Kef XQ40 is a very good loudspeaker, sounds supurb on my accuphase E405, almost as an electrostatic speaker with perfect imaging. They replaced the B&W 803D's …
- 评论数: 2
KEF XQ40 | hifi-wiki.com
2012年5月4日 · "Sophisticated, tightly calculated floorstanding speaker with Uni-Q of the latest kind. Sounds fabulously clear, grown-up and room-accurate for its money." HD + TV: issue …
Review KEF XQ40 and XQ50 - AVS Forum
2011年10月8日 · The clarity and detail of the XQ40s are fantastic. I love these speakers but I also agree with both of you on the highs which I wonder has to do with them utilizing only a 0.75" …
Used KEF XQ40 Speaker systems for Sale | HifiShark.com
Used KEF XQ40 Speaker systems for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability
Kef-XQ 40 - www.hifi-guide.com
Kef XQ 40 United Kingdom Go Back Type: Passive Positioning: Floorstanding Enclosure: Bass Reflex Way system: 3 Nominal Impedance: 8 Ohm Frequency Response:45 - 55000 Hz …
KEF XQ40 Opinions... - What Hi-Fi? Forum
2009年8月18日 · The QX40s are a step up and a much larger speaker but once again I feel they are a very good speaker. We have a number on the end of Yamaha Z11's and in all cases …
Standbox KEF XQ40 - connect
2008年3月13日 · KEF schickt nun mit der nagelneuen XQ_40 eine Allroundbox ins Rennen. Kompakt ist sie, mit 3_000 Euro deutlich bezahlbarer, und soll den großen Reference …
Der Stereo Lautsprecher KEF XQ 40 im neuen Test | hifitest.de
Die KEF XQ 40 glänzt mit einem sehr ausgewogenen Frequenzverlauf, der durch immensen Tiefgang und exzellentes Rundstrahlverhalten auf sich aufmerksam macht. Schon ab 35 Hertz …
SoundStageNetwork.com | SoundStage.com - KEF XQ40 …
Aron said: From top to bottom, KEF’s XQ flagship is an exceedingly well-built, classically styled tower that sounds as good as it looks.