Taurus KEPD 350 - Wikipedia
The Taurus KEPD-350 [a] is a German-Swedish air-launched cruise missile, manufactured by Taurus Systems and used by Germany, Spain, and South Korea. [2] Taurus Systems GmbH is a partnership between MBDA Deutschland GmbH (formerly LFK) and Saab Bofors Dynamics .
“金牛座”巡航导弹 - 百度百科
德国研制出kepd-350“金牛座”空射巡航导弹和“摩菲斯特”钻地弹头。 前者可在防区外发射,采用复合制导方式,具备“远程精确钻地”能力;后者为串联式侵彻战斗部,能够穿透36米厚的土层或6米厚的加固混凝土层。
金牛座KEPD 350导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
金牛座kepd 350飛彈採用匿蹤技術,射程超過500公里(300英里)。 [8] 該彈由渦輪扇發動機提供動力,最高飛行速度達到1馬赫。kepd 350可掛載於龍捲風戰機、f/a-18、f-15k、 jas 39與颱風戰鬥機等戰機上。
TAURUS KEPD 350 - Saab
Our advanced TAURUS KEPD 350 is an incomparable modular stand-off missile system. It is capable of precision strikes on stationary and semi-stationary targets, including bunkers and other hardened, deeply buried targets, as well as high-value …
TAURUS KEPD 350 long-range cruise missile - Missilery.info
The TAURUS KEPD 350 (Target Adaptive Unitary & Dispenser Robotic Ubiquity System / Kinetic Energy Penetrating Destroyer) long range cruise missile is designed to accurately engage protected targets without the carrier aircraft entering the enemy's air defense zone.
德国 金牛座 ”TAURUS“中远程隐身巡航导弹 - 知乎
“金牛座”标配了一个被称为Mephisto即多重优化目标穿透弹头(Multi-Effect Penetrator, HIgh Sophisticated and Target Optimised)的1100磅战斗部,配备了该弹头的金牛座导弹又称为 KEPD 350 (KEPD是“Kinetic Energy Penetrating Destroyer”的缩写,意为动能穿透破坏弹头)。这种战 …
金牛座KEPD 350导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
金牛座KEPD 350飛彈採用匿蹤技術,射程超過500公里(300英里)。 [8] 該彈由渦輪扇發動機提供動力,最高飛行速度達到1馬赫。KEPD 350可掛載於龍捲風戰機、F/A-18、F-15K、 JAS 39與颱風戰鬥機等戰機上。 該彈具有兩枚被稱為Mephisto(Multi-Effect Penetrator HIghly …
Taurus KEPD 350 Long-Range Air-to-Surface Missile
2012年8月1日 · Taurus KEPD 350 (kinetic energy penetration destroyer) is a long-range air-to-surface missile developed and manufactured by Taurus Systems. The company is a joint venture between LFK-Lenkflugkörpersysteme (EADS/MBDA) (67%) and Saab-Bofors Dynamics (33%).
Saab to modernise German TAURUS KEPD 350 missiles - Air Force …
2025年3月4日 · Saab has been awarded a Skr1.7bn ($161.16m) contract to deliver key system upgrades for the German Air Force’s TAURUS KEPD 350 air-launched cruise missiles. The contract, which will extend from 2025 to 2035, was secured from TAURUS Systems, a joint venture between MBDA Germany and Saab, following an initial order by Germany’s defence ...
金牛座KEPD 350导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
韩国空军装备的kepd 350k是由kepd 350升级而来的。 该弹安装了 罗克韦尔柯林斯 公司生产的军规GPS接收模组,具有选择性可用性防欺骗模块(SAASM),可防止电磁干扰。