Why is Kf8 the recommended move here? - Chess Stack Exchange
2017年1月31日 · Stockfish 8 gives the move of Kf8, and claims my move of Bd7 is an inaccuracy. I don't quite understand why. I can see that it breaks the pin on my bishop on e7 and sets up …
r/chess on Reddit: Can someone tell me why Kf8 is actually the …
Kf8 is a good move because other ways of blocking the check allow him to trade the bishop off. It's a special case in some sense, although we can also say it's a general motif that occurs …
In this position, why is the best move Kf8 effectively ... - Reddit
I think it's because black wants to play Ng4, attacking both h2 and f2. However any other move than 1..Kf8 will not allow Ng4. For instance: 1..Bd7 2. Bxd7 and black can no longer player …
Win against NM analysis (Amazing kingwalk! 22... Kf8!) - Chess.com
2023年9月9日 · The game was decided on a tactic. If not for that tactic, I would've been in a lot of trouble with my king being moments away from annihilation. I couldn't really find a good …
The Power Of Pawns - Chess.com
1 天前 · Beginners often learn the point values of chess pieces, also called relative values, to get a sense of good trades and bad trades. ... Now after any move, lets say Kf8, b7 leads to a …
Could anyone explain why Kf8 is a mistake here? : r/chessbeginners - Reddit
2023年9月14日 · According to the engine, the best move in this position is Kh7 (-2.1), and the 2nd best move is Kh8 (-0.9), however Kf8 suddenly removes black's entire advantage. Is anyone …
(B40) -PİN VARİATİON- KF8!!!!!!!!!!! • lichess.org
2018年5月8日 · A chess study by espressivo. Accessibility: Enable blind mode. lichess.org. Play lichess.org. Create a game Arena tournaments Swiss tournaments Simultaneous exhibitions. …
7...Kf8 Winawer • page 1/1 • General Chess Discussion - lichess.org
I've seen 7. ... 0-0 but not yet Kf8. I think Geller's idea is strong enough that it's not surprising that black is trying other responses. Without a board in front of me, I'd try similar ideas to Kf8 in the …
French Defence, Winawer, Poison Pawn variation with 7...Kf8
2021年6月5日 · The French, Winawer, Poison Pawn variation is one of the sharpest lines in all of chess. It begins with this position with Black to move: There are two mainlines for Black: Qc7 …
vienna gambit white sidde with Kf8 • lichess.org
A chess study by HarshaMeha. Accessibility: Enable blind mode. lichess.org. Play lichess.org. Create a game Arena tournaments Swiss tournaments Simultaneous exhibitions. Puzzles. …