KFX: CFD simulation software for dispersions and fires - DNV
The KFX software provides comprehensive simulations of water-based fire mitigation techniques, including deluge, monitors, mist and water curtains, in complex systems and congested areas while accounting for weather effects.
CFD simulation - KFX - DNV
Leading computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulator is a tool for advanced solutions to industrial problems related to dispersion of hazardous matter, fire and explosion safety. Kameleon FireEx - KFX represents the state-of-the-art for CFD simulation of dispersion, fires and explosions in congested areas.
KFX - CFD simulation software products - DNV
Kameleon FireEx - KFX - Leading computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulator tool for advanced solutions to industrial problems related to dispersion of hazardous matter, fire and explosion safety. KFX Exsim - Advanced CFD gas explosion simulations. KFX Usfos - Structural response analysis. Read more.
KFX/EXSIM火灾爆炸CFD模拟仿真软件 - 技术邻
2018年1月9日 · KFX 是一款三维瞬态CFD 软件,计算速度快、效率高. KFX 可以模拟气体扩散和所有类型的火灾及燃烧. KFX 包括CAD 导入功能(PDS,PDMS,IGES,Flacs 模拟或其他) KFX 与有限元结构响应软件Fahts/Usfos 之间具有借口,从而进行动态结构响应分析. KFX 的模拟结果可以 …
Kameleon FireEx KFX - Wikipedia
Kameleon FireEx KFX, often only referred to as KFX, is a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program with main focus on gas dispersion and fire simulation. KFX uses the k-epsilon model for turbulence modelling, the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) for combustion modelling, and a radiation model based on the Discrete Transfer Method (DTM ...
KFX - CFD计算流体力学模拟工具 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年4月22日 · Kameleon FireEx - KFX® 是一款行业领先的、对密集区域内危险品的扩散、起火和爆炸进行CFD模拟的成熟软件工具,可模拟复杂结构内的火焰、气体扩散、火灾发展、火情控制和爆炸的真实情况。
KFX/EXSIM火灾爆炸CFD模拟仿真软件 - 析模界
2018年1月7日 · KFX 是一款三维瞬态CFD 软件,计算速度快、效率高. KFX 可以模拟气体扩散和所有类型的火灾及燃烧. KFX 包括CAD 导入功能(PDS,PDMS,IGES,Flacs 模拟或其他) KFX 与有限元结构响应软件Fahts/Usfos 之间具有借口,从而进行动态结构响应分析. KFX 的模拟结果可以 …
KFX火灾计算 - 析模界
Kameleon FireEx KFX® 是目前在气体扩散、火炬和火灾模拟方面处于国际领导地位的CFD软件,并逐渐成为燃烧和火灾领域的工业标准。 其最早是由ComputIT公司联合NTNU(挪威科技大学)和SINTEF(挪威科技工业研究院)共同研发,软件融合了工业流体和燃烧问题领域先进 ...
Advanced CO2 Dispersion Simulation Technology for Improved …
2014年1月1日 · Here the development of an advanced industrial CO 2 dispersion simulation tool based on the CFD simulator KAMELEON FIREEX KFX® is discussed. The tool's capability of predicting CO 2 dispersion at realistic conditions has been demonstrated through relevant tests and comparisons of simulation results to experimental data from both laboratory ...
Advanced CFD gas explosion simulations - KFX Exsim - DNV
For prediction of consequences of gas explosions in congested geometries, KFX features the well-known and extensively validated Exsim CFD gas explosion simulator, KFX Exsim. The Exsim software – a module of KFX™ – has been Shell's main simulation tool for explosion in complex geometries for the last 20 years.