Docure KH-700 - Kukdo Chemical- Technical Datasheet
2024年7月29日 · View technical datasheet of Docure KH-700. It acts as a curing agent and used in waterborne coatings and tar epoxy emulsion paint.
水性固化剂_【国都化工(昆山)有限公司】 - KUKDO
牌号 总胺值 (mgKOH/g) 粘度 (cps@25℃) 配比量 (phr) 用途; KH-700: 190-250: 3,0000-10,000: 80-100: 聚酸泛基亲水性涂料及底漆: KH-721: 190-240
DOCURE KH-700 is a waterborne curing agent designed for Hardener of liquid Epoxy Resin. KH-700 is used as a water dispersible curing agent in combination with conventional liquid Epoxy and waterborne Epoxy Resins to form waterborne epoxy paints.
DOCURE KH-700 is a water-based curing agent designed for the liquid epoxy resin hardener. KH-700 is used as a water-dispersible curing agent in combination with conventional liquid epoxy and water-based epoxy resins are used to form water-based epoxy paints.
Water Borne Curing Agent_KUKDO Chemical (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
2020年5月11日 · Trademark Total amine value (mgKOH/g) Viscosity (cps@25℃) Allocated proportion quantity (phr) Use; KH-700: 190-250: 3,0000-10,000: 80-100: Gathers the acid pan-base water affinity coating and the primer
KH-700 국도화학 - cmib.org:8080
각 측정DB의 괄호 (0,0)안 첫 번째 는 아래 소재와 소재분류가 일치하는 검색 수 이며, 두 번째 이름이 일치하는 검색수 를 말합니다. 국도화학에서 판매하는 KH-700입니다. 소재분류이고 첨가제 > 접착제, 첨가제 > 도료, 코팅, 잉크 용도로 사용됩니다. 상기 데이터는 제조업체에서 공개한 데이터로서 한국화학연구원 화학소재솔루션센터 화학소재은행의 내부 절차에 따라 규격화되었습니다.
KUKDO KH-700 Waterborne Curing Agent - PDF4PRO
KH-700 is used as a water dispersible Curing Agent in combination with conventional liquid Epoxy and Waterborne Epoxy Resins to form Waterborne epoxy paints.
Safairus KH-700シリーズ は、そのようなお客様のご要望にお応えします。 ITU-T G.991.2 に準拠したSHDSL 通信装置 メタリックケーブル( 電話線) を使用して最大10km までLAN を延長可能
Docure KH-700 by Kukdo Chemical Co., Ltd. - Paint & Coatings
Docure KH-700 is a waterborne curing agent designed for hardener of liquid epoxy resin. KH-700 is used as a water dispersible curing agent in combination with conventional liquid epoxy and waterborne epoxy resins to form waterborne epoxy paints.
KH-700-苏州江东精密仪器有限公司 - ybzhan.cn
2024年2月29日 · 台式超声波清洗器KH700具有清洗效果好、速度快、低噪音、环保等优点。 主要实用于大专院校科研单位、电子行业、医疗行业等小批量清洗、脱气、混匀、乳化、消胞及细胞粉碎。 台式超声波清洗器具有清洗效果好、速度快、低噪音、环保等优点。 主要实用于大专院校科研单位、电子行业、医疗行业等小批量清洗、脱气、混匀、乳化、消胞及细胞粉碎。 1. 设有溶液自动加热装置温控范围常温-80℃. 2. 设有清洗定时装置(30min)或连续实用仪器降音盖可另配. …
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