Knowledge intensive business services - Wikipedia
Knowledge Intensive Business Services (commonly known as KIBS) are services and business operations heavily reliant on professional knowledge. They are mainly concerned with providing knowledge-intensive support for the business processes of other organizations.
Effect of different types of knowledge intensive business services …
2025年1月1日 · By contrast, information and communication technology KIBS (ICT-KIBS) did not show a significant effect on the performance of their clients. Our results indicate the need for further analysis of this relationship because the use of KIBS alone is insufficient to boost client company performance.
What we should know about knowledge-intensive business services
2009年2月1日 · Some sub-sectors of activities that are regarded as services and display features such as high levels of qualified labor and the use of new technologies are usually not considered as KIBS. For instance, services related to healthcare or to resource-based sectors (e.g., agriculture, forestry, mining, and gas extraction) are not identified as KIBS.
Knowledge-intensive business services and new venture growth: A …
2024年12月1日 · Exploration of complexity's impact on intensive entrepreneurship is still limited. This study reveals KIBS complexity boosts new venture growth significantly. Channels are financial access, professional services, and innovation opportunities. The effect is more pronounced in complex industries and urbanized regions.
知识密集型服务贸易 - 百度百科
知识密集型服务贸易又称知识型服务贸易,一般是指以提供各类知识服务为主要标准与交易对象的国际服务贸易(钱焱,2001)。与知识密集型服务贸易相关的还有两个概念: (1)知识密集型服务活动(kisa)。(2)知识密集型服务业(kibs)。
(PDF) Knowledge‐ Intensive Business Services (KIBS
2013年1月1日 · By creating an appropriate infrastructure, KIBS affect the ability of the economy to innovate activities that are of much importance for the development of a competitive knowledge-based economy....
Buying knowledge‐intensive business services: Overarching …
2024年10月9日 · Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) provide industry-changing inputs to the business processes of other organizations that face complex tendering procedures. Service triads emerge as a response to resource and capability constraints due to high procedure benchmarks. Despite calls, research remains fragmented.
Knowledge intensive business services and their impact on
2013年8月6日 · This study investigates the impact of knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) on innovation in China. First, we review the development of KIBS in China by analyzing the agglomeration, utilization, and quality of KIBS. Second, regression techniques are employed to investigate the impact of KIBS on innovation in the Chinese economy.
Knowledge intensive business services: ambiguities and continuities
Meanwhile, the phenomenon of offshoring, long apparent in some manufacturing and office services (e.g. call centres, data entry) is apparent in certain KIBS – notably in certain T-KIBS especially but not only computer services) and of the more routine elements of P-KIBS (e.g. some parts of accountancy and related services).
The interaction between knowledge-intensive business
2019年6月27日 · Not only localized knowledge, but also information inputs and high-quality information infrastructure are explanations for the spatial concentration of KIBS (Simmie and Strambach 2006). Information technology has fundamentally promoted the opportunities to effectively combine internal and external knowledge for KIBS (Smedlund and Toivonen 2007 ).