KKM Precision Barrel for G17 - Initial Impressions - Glock Talk
May 9, 2008 · The KKM barrel is button rifled, and the others are broach cut. No need to scrub your barrel when cleaning, this will actually do more harm than good. Just a wet patch, then a …
Is it worth putting a KKM Barrel in my Gen 5 G20? - Glock Talk
Jan 18, 2024 · I have a few KKM threaded barrels for various Glocks and clones, including a G22.3, G40.4 and another used in a G20.3 and a LoneWolf Timerwolf in 10mm. They seem …
Range report: KKM barrel for Glock 20... - Glock Talk
Nov 10, 2011 · A stock Glock pistol will have a better chance having a KB! than my KKM barreled pistol failing to function properly. I don't work for or have any professional relationship with …
New Glock 20 Gen 5 Disappoints - Glock Talk
Oct 21, 2024 · And I have a KKM barrel on order. Hopefully some combination of these additional parts gets me to a functional pistol. All this to say: I'm extremely disappointed that the Glock …
G20 6" KKM | Glock Talk
Mar 20, 2020 · I think with careful work up, the KKM barrel would handle slightly heavier charges of AA9 and might get close to 900 ft-lbs ME. However, I began working on .45 SUPER for a …
Glock 29 with KKM 40 S&W Conversion Barrel | Glock Talk
Jan 13, 2018 · I ultimately sold my KKM barrel as it never made it out of the bag. Anyone who tells you there is a single deleterious effect from shooting 40's from your G29/G20 guns, is talking …
KKM barrel vs. factory glock barrel - Glock Talk
Apr 10, 2004 · i have a kkm for my g22 in .357 its a lot more accurate then the g31 i have if i shoot them off of sand bags. i noticed that the kkm barrel seems to be heavier then the glock …
KKM, Storm Lake, Barsto, IGB, and LWD barrels | Glock Talk
Jan 8, 2012 · I'm curious about aftermarket G20 barrels with better case support, always looking to be safe and shovel more into this moneypit of a hobby :cool:. The IGB seems interesting, …
Glock or KKM barrel for 357 SIG? - Glock Talk
Feb 25, 2011 · 2) The KKM barrels are a bit tighter in tolerance than the Glock standard barrel, and the KKM barrels will, all things being equal, group tighter than the Glock barrel. 3) The …
G19 RMR + KKM Comp issues | Glock Talk
May 4, 2019 · G19 G3, RMR + KKM Barrel/Comp issues Never had any issues until today. Even with powder puff reloads. HST cycles perfectly. 115gr CCI brass, Federal Brass - failure to …