Kinetis KL04 32 KB Flash 48 MHz Cortex-M0+ Based Microcontroller Designed with efficiency in mind. Features a size efficient, small package, energy efficient ARM Cortex-M0+ 32-bit performance. Shares the comprehensive enablement and scalability of the Kinetis family. This product offers: • Run power consumption down to 45 μA/MHz in very low
Arm® Cortex®-M0+|Ultra-Low Power Kinetis® KL0x MCUs
The Kinetis ® KL0x MCU family is the entry point into the Kinetis L series based on the Arm ® Cortex ® -M0+ core. The KL0x ultra-low-power MCUs provide a bridge for 8-bit customers migrating into the Kinetis portfolio and is software and tool compatible with all other Kinetis L series devices. Quick reference to our documentation types.
Freedom Development Platform for the Kinetis ® KL05 and KL04 …
The FRDM-KL05Z is an ultra-low-cost development platform enabled by the Kinetis ® L Series KL0x MCU family built on the Arm ® Cortex ® -M0+ processor.
To determine the orderable part numbers for this device, go to www.freescale.com and perform a part number search for the following device numbers: PKL04 and MKL04. Part numbers for the chip have fields that identify the specific part. You can use the values of these fields to determine the specific part you have received.
KL04 Sub-Family Datasheet by NXP USA Inc. - Digi-Key Electronics
View KL04 Sub-Family by NXP USA Inc. datasheet for technical specifications, dimensions and more at DigiKey.
KL04 - silverstonetek.com
全新的银欣科技KL04采用4颗5.25英寸、9颗3.5英寸磁盘架,与6颗2.5英寸硬盘槽,成为有史以来磁架密度最高的中型机箱。 独特的把手式磁架设计,不需移除主硬盘架便能兼容17英寸 (431mm) 超长扩充卡;即便装满所有硬盘,依然能容纳12.8英寸 (325mm) 扩充卡,扩充性能百分百! 磁架密度史无前例,但并非硬盘温度将扶摇直上,KL04藉由侧面进气风扇,针对硬盘做最直接的散热,同时避免运作噪音从正前方传出;特别设计的2.5英寸硬盘架亦能选择两组位置安装以适应 …
KL-04 KL04 - 中羽在线
正品群力kl04羽毛球12粒训练用球 ¥ 62 年销300+ 羽毛球只装KL04比赛群力鸭毛耐打鹅毛室内外家庭训练练习用球专业 ¥ 67 销量1292; 群力KL-04群力羽毛球04鹚鸪鸭单边白正版原厂入门练习球正品特价 ¥ 10 销量144
FRDM-KL05Z NXP, 开发板, Kinetis KL05与KL04 MCU, 电容性触摸 …
FRDM-KL05Z是一个超低成本开发套件, 用于MKL05Z32VFM4微控制器. MKL05Z32VFM4为KL0 系列设备, 最大运行频率可达48MHz, 具有32KB闪存和多个模拟和数字外部设备. Freedom开发平台是一套软件和硬件工具, 用于评估和开发. 它可理想用于快速原型配置基于微控制器的应用. FRDM-KL05Z可用于评估KL04和KL05 Kinetis L串行设备. 这一自由电路板硬件外形小巧, 兼容原型Arduino R3引脚排列, 提供广范围扩展电路板选项. 板载接口包括一个红绿蓝LED, 一个3轴数字加速度 …
KL04 Sub-Family Datasheet by NXP USA Inc. - Digi-Key Electronics
View datasheets for KL04 Sub-Family by NXP USA Inc. and other related components here.
Freedom Development Platform for the Kinetis KL05 and KL04 …
It adds DMA support, a DAC, and built-in hardware touch sensing (TSI), and can be used to evaluate the KL04 and KL05 families. It boasts a max operating frequency of 48 MHz, 32 KB flash, and 4 KB SRAM, along with a rich suite of analog, communication, and timing peripherals with features that work together to provide ultra-low power performance ...