Hitler’s Last Ditch SS Interceptor; The Junkers Klf 255
2023年4月1日 · The Klf 255 suddenly veered off course and, performing a parabolic curve, smashed into the nearby forest that surrounded and obscured the test facility. The Major was killed and the tragedy marked the end of the program, hardly surprising as Germany was just over a month from capitulation.
Klagenfurt Klf 255 – Aerospace Projects Review Blog
One of the better known “fakes” that has sometimes been understood to be real is the “Klagenfurt Klf 255.” This was originally published in the French aviation magazine “Fana de l’Aviation” as an April Fools gag in 1973.
Klagenfurt Klf 255 – The Unwanted Blog - Up Ship
One of the better known “fakes” that has sometimes been understood to be real is the “Klagenfurt Klf 255.” This was originally published in the French aviation magazine “Fana de l’Aviation” as an April Fools gag in 1973.
Junkers/Klagenfurt Klf 255: the fake that would not die!
2006年5月26日 · The Klagenfurt Klf-255 prototype was a funny April Fools Day joke of the "Fana de l'Aviation" magazine, issue #43.
把导弹改成战斗机?并不存在的德国末日战机 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年4月2日 · 几十年后有消息爆出德国当时还有另一款传奇战机,那就是导弹造型的klf-255截击机。 尽管KLF-255有一个相对完整的故事,有少量照片作为辅证,一度获得不少军事爱好者的追捧,但其实它是一款虚构的战机,只不过它在技术理论上可行,并且很符合当时德国的 ...
把导弹改成战斗机?并不存在的德国末日战机 - 知乎
2024年4月2日 · 几十年后有消息爆出德国当时还有另一款传奇战机,那就是导弹造型的klf-255截击机。 尽管KLF-255有一个相对完整的故事,有少量照片作为辅证,一度获得不少军事爱好者的追捧,但其实它是一款虚构的战机,只不过它在技术理论上可行,并且很符合当时德国的 ...
Hitler’s Last Ditch SS Interceptor; The Junkers Klf 255
When a German aerodynamic expert saw that Allied airpower was shredding the Luftwaffe, he came up with a novel solution - a rocket interceptor launched from a rail cart. And the idea caught the...
Hitler’s Last Ditch SS Interceptor; The Junkers Klf 255
When a German aerodynamic expert saw that Allied airpower was shredding the Luftwaffe, he came up with a novel solution - a rocket interceptor launched from a rail cart. And the idea caught the attention of Hitler himself, which led to this remarkable aircraft, the Junkers Klf 255, first flying on the 1st of April, 1945.
Уголок неба ¦ Klagenfurt Klf.255
В течение двух недель главный инженер Гельмут фон Клагенфурт (Helmut von Klagenfurt) дважды стал свидетелем драматических событий: американские истребители на взлете уничтожали звенья Fw 190. Фон Клагенфурт решил создать средство, позволяющее радикально уменьшить потери и сохранить жизни немецких пилотов.
【ゆっくり解説】末期ドイツの極秘試作ロケット戦闘機!【クラーゲンフルト(Klagenfurt) Klf 255 …
2021年4月1日 · 【クラーゲンフルト(Klagenfurt) Klf 255防空ロケット迎撃機】 こういうタイトル&サムネ、ネタとして一度やってみたかった(めっちゃかっこいい見た目だけど悲劇的な末路を迎えた末期ドイツのロケット戦闘機だよ…ってことになってるフェイク兵器だそうです。