Livemocha - 免费学习英语、日语和其他语言
Livemocha是一个在线学习语言学习社区,提供38种学习语言的教学资料,并且是讲者互动和互相帮助学习新语言的平台。 根据该网站,它是来自全球196个国家的大约1200万注册会员。
Livemocha - Learn languages online: Start for free
Livemocha is an online learn language learning community, providing instructional materials in 38 learn languages and a platform for speakers to interact with and help each other learn learn new languages. According to the site, it approximately 12 million registered members from 196 countries around the globe.
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有人在Livemocha上学习过吗?效果如何?国内是否有类似互联网产 …
livemocha的学习模式. 课程+练习+帮助别人+一对一. 其中课程学习相当于纯自学,对于课程学习,livemocha有学习进度管理,每学一个阶段都有相应的进度保存,下次来学习就可以知道自己学到什么程度了. 练习是个不错的
Livemocha - Wikipedia
Livemocha was an online language learning community based in Seattle, Washington. It provided instructional materials in 38 languages and a platform for speakers to interact with and help each other learn new languages. According to the site, it had approximately 12 million registered members from 196 countries around the globe.
Livemocha: Web App
Which language do you want to learn? Livemocha Web App offers online learn languages free. With Livemocha Web App your learn multiple language free. Use Livemocha Web App!
Livemocha- Aprende gratis inglés, portugués, francés y otros …
Livemocha es una aplicación para aprender idiomas de forma gratuita. en Livemocha hablas y aprendes idiomas con nativos del mundo. ¡Usa Livemocha ahora!
Fox Racing Speedframe Pro Klif MIPS Helmet (Mocha) (S)
Designed with input from pro mountain bike athletes, this top-tier open-face mountain bike helmet offers a market-leading feature set including MIPS, an easily adjustable multi-position visor, and a 360-degree fit system.
Fox Racing Men's Speedframe Pro KLIF MTB Helmet (Mocha) …
2024年9月21日 · Designed with input from our pro mountain bike athletes, the Speedframe Pro Helmet has earned Virginia Tech’s best rating (5 STARS) in its Bicycle Helmet Ratings program for a reason. This top-tier open-face mountain bike helmet offers a market-leading feature set to keep you protected every time you hit the trails. <br>Top of that list is Mips®, designed to reduce rotational motion and ...
Fox Racing Speedframe Pro Klif Mountain Bike Helmet Mocha …
2023年10月12日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fox Racing Speedframe Pro Klif Mountain Bike Helmet Mocha Adult Small at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!