九巴12米非空調巨龍(3N)簡介 - 中華巴士紀念館
3n1-3分別於1982年3、4及8月投入服務,行走重點路線:過海隧道線。 (John Law攝) (Alan攝) 這些高載客量的新車迅即得到九巴的青睞,3N4於翌年11月加入九巴,與樣辦車最大分別在於車身配搭,九巴改為裝上Duple Metsec車身,更將下車門改為兩道,加快乘客下車速度 ...
丹尼士巨龍/禿鷹 | 香港巴士大典 | Fandom
3N2和3N3的4360毫米(14英尺4英寸)高車身的佈局為上層73座個座位、下層55個座位及24個企位,而3N1的上層座位少一個,因此被九巴編為巨龍A型(Dregon A),另外兩輛則是巨龍12米(Dregon 12-metre);另外,3N2、3N3上層的額外座位是安裝樓梯的結果,其前後尺寸較R型 ...
丹尼士巨龍/禿鷹巴士 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
除了中巴的DL2,以及九龍巴士的3N1至3N3,這四輛早期生產的樣版車安裝 亞歷山大 設計的R型車身外,其餘千多輛巨龍/禿鷹巴士都是裝配都普設計的車身,但城巴為了統一車隊形象,特意要求都普金屬部件為其所訂購的巨龍底盤,提供一款與亞歷山大R型車身外觀相似的頭幅組件。 雖然中巴的禿鷹與九龍巴士的巨龍實際上是同一款底盤,而且量產型皆採用都普金屬部件車身,但車身設計仍有不少分別。 中巴的禿鷹12米採用雙門設計,但九龍巴士的普通版巨龍12米卻採用三 …
GAKEI.com | KMB 12-metre Dennis Dragon
Dennis Dragons were firstly introduced by Kowloon Motor Bus ("KMB") in 1982. Three 12-metre prototypes (3N1-3) were provided by Dennis Specialist Vehicles for evaluation purpose. These 3 buses were fitted with Alexander R-type bodies, which were also the first 3 buses fitted with this type of body in the fleet.
GAKEI.com | KMB Dennis Dragons and Dominators
Dennis Dragon is the most popular model in the KMB fleet, which is the 3-axle derivative of Dominator. In 1983-1984, 40 Dennis Dominators were also acquired. For detail descriptions and photographs of different classes of Dennis Dragons and Dominators in the KMB fleet, please click the relevant links for the pages below.
GAKEI.com | KMB 12-metre Dennis Dragon with Alexander …
3N2 (CV 2718) was the last of the 3 prototypes that was still in service in 1999. Please note the short front overhang. (1999/01/02) 3N2 was normally been seen on different Lai Chi Kok Depot routes before retirement. The bus, together with 3N1, were spare buses of the depot in the last years of their services. (1999/04/10) Rear view of 3N2.
九巴篇丹尼士巨龍非空調十一米 - 香港巴士討論中心 ...
首批量產型車輛 (S3N1 - 55) 於 1986 年至 1987 年間出牌,車輛全數採用淺藍色車窗,及於下層中部預留大範圍企位空間,使下層企位高達 55 人,總載客量達 151 人,為本港載客量最高的 11 米巴士。 機械配置方面,S3N1 - 50 採用當時九巴慣用的吉拿 (Gardner) 6LXCT 引擎,另外 S3N51 - 55 則特別配上康明斯 (Cummins) LT10 引擎,最大馬力輸出達 245 匹,出牌時特別派往將軍澳區行走寶琳路,測試這款引擎的攀爬表現。 第 2 批量產型車輛 (S3N56 - 221) 在 1987 年至 …
Dennis Dragon 12m (3N1-3N100)
Dennis Dragon 12m(3N1-3N100) ... Sold from KMB to Pegasus Organization as Information Technology Bus in 1998, private preservation in Hong Kong: 3N81: DD9408: DDA605-186: Dennis Dragon 12m: Duple Metsec W32: H75/33T: 1985: 2001: 3N82: DD9416:
圖庫:丹尼士巨龍/九巴/3N | 香港巴士大典 | Fandom
此 圖庫 的主條目是 丹尼士巨龍/禿鷹。 注意:此圖庫乃為收錄有助補充說明主條目內容之圖片而設,並非私人相簿或檔案寄存空間。 加入圖片至圖庫時必須加入描述,以免影響讀者閱讀。 請勿在此存放任何違反方針的圖片,否則有關圖片將會從圖庫中移除。 此為巴士型號圖庫由於各巴士型號圖片數量眾多,請各位寫手協助將各條目中相關的巴士車輛圖片放置在此圖庫內。 除非另有註明,否則社區內容均使用 CC-BY-SA 授權條款。
M3N01c - Venus Collectibles - Kowloon Motor Bus Dennis …
The bus - 3N1 was the first of three Dennis Dragon prototypes for KMB. They were the first 12 metre buses to be ordered by KMB although they were not the first to enter service. They were fitted with Alexander RX bodywork. 3N1 entered service on 12th March 1982.