Neumann KMS 105 - HomeRecording.com
2003年4月15日 · Speaking of Scott Dorsey. A couple of days ago I read on RAP that he thinks the KMS 105 is a very underrated microphone. What I think is weird is that the KMS 105 is …
If You Already Have Phantom Power, Do You Need a Mic Pre-Amp?
2009年6月6日 · I have two recording techniques. One is an M-Box...with Pro Tools. The other is a Marantz PMD661, portable digital recorder. Both of those provide 48V phantom power. If I …
Neumann TLM 49 or KMS 105? - HomeRecording.com
2020年10月8日 · The KMS 105 is designed more for live use, but from everything I've heard, it works well in home recording settings, and if it fits your voice (which I've not heard), why …
Thoughts on the Neumann KMS 105 | HomeRecording.com
2017年5月18日 · Thoughts on the Neumann KMS 105. Thread starter SteveAlton; Start date Mar 21, 2017; SteveAlton Member ...
Neumann KMS 104/105 vs. AKG C 535 EB | HomeRecording.com
2008年4月21日 · I have a KMS 105 in the studio but haven't heard the C 535 so I guess that I can't really compare it to that. . Nonetheless, a few days ago I used it to track some male …
Neumann KMS105's anything wrong with them?
2006年4月28日 · I am about to pull the trigger on a Neumann KMS105 for live use. I've read a ton of great comments and folks that love them. Big stars use them all over the place. However on …
Neumann KMS 105 | HomeRecording.com
2006年4月21日 · Neumann KMS 105. Thread starter slidey; Start date Apr 21, 2006; slidey New member. Apr 21, 2006 #1
Mid priced microphone comparisons | HomeRecording.com
2002年6月13日 · Microphone Shootout Neumann KMS 105, Rode NT1, Oktava MK-319, CAD E-200, SM-81, SM-58 (10 is highest, 1 lowest… relative to other mics in group)... Home Forums
A Truly Fine Vocal Mic for live performance. | HomeRecording.com
2006年1月27日 · I've got a gig where they've asked me to sing "The Wind Beneath My Wings." My keyboard accompanist has worked out a great arrangement with some cool key...
Shure Beta 58, Sennheiser e945 or Audix OM7?
2014年10月12日 · neumann kms 105 is better than all of them, but probably shure beta 58 out of the ones you listed. Obviously the budget is different for both the mics. Obviously the budget is …