BMP-1 - Wikipedia
The BMP-1 is a Soviet amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle that has been in service from 1966 to the present. BMP stands for Boyevaya Mashina Pyekhoty 1 (Russian: Боевая Машина Пехоты 1; БМП-1), meaning "infantry fighting vehicle, 1st serial model". [11]
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The BMP-1KSh (BMP M1978) Russian Amphibious Command Post and Staff Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) is designed to transport a section of infantry into combat under protection, and provide fire...
BMPT Terminator - Wikipedia
The BMPT "Terminator" (Боевая машина поддержки танков – Tank Support Fighting Vehicle) [2] is an armored fighting vehicle (AFV), designed and manufactured by the Russian company Uralvagonzavod. This vehicle was designed for supporting tanks and other AFVs in urban areas. The BMPT is unofficially named the "Terminator" by the manufacturers.
List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
Some vehicles were equipped with a track-width KMT-10 mine plow. In Western sources, BMP-1Ps that were fitted with smoke grenade launchers are often called BMP-1PM but this is not an official Soviet designation.
苏俄火力支援车发展史(下)——BMPT 终结者 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年8月9日 · BMPT (Mod.2000)安装了一个无人炮塔,配备一门30mm 2A42机炮和同轴机枪,炮塔左侧安装一个四联装9M133短号反坦克导弹发射器(该原型车也是BMPT系列中唯一使用9M133作为反坦克武器的型号)。 BMPT (Mod.2000)创新性安装了“化石”爆炸性反应装甲系统,包括车体首上的“化石”爆炸性反应装甲套件和车体侧面的“化石”侧裙板套件。 BMPT sp1. (Mod.2000) BMPT sp1. (Mod.2000) 有趣的事实是,BMPT (Mod.2000)是苏俄第一辆安装“化石”系统的装甲 …
BMP-2/KMT-8/10 Basic BMP-2, mounting the KMT-8 or KMT-10 mine plow system. To maintain its amphibious capability, the vehicle mounts an extra floatation bladder at the bow.
BMPT Tank Support Combat Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
One of the most interesting Russian developments of recent years is the combat support vehicle BMPT tank ( "Object 199" and "Terminator"). This armored vehicle is capable of acting in the same...
BMP-3 Fighting Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年11月7日 · BMP-3 Fighting Vehicle. Specifications Alternative Designations: Soviet ICV M1990/1: ... KMT-8 plow available: Self-Entrenching Blade: Yes: NBC Protection System: Collective: Smoke Equipment:
KMP 算法详解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
KMP 算法(Knuth-Morris-Pratt 算法)是一个著名的字符串匹配算法,效率很高,但是确实有点复杂。 很多读者抱怨 KMP 算法无法理解,这很正常,想到大学教材上关于 KMP 算法的讲解,也不知道有多少未来的 Knuth、Morris、Pratt 被提前劝退了。 有一些优秀的同学通过手推 KMP 算法的过程来辅助理解该算法,这是一种办法,不过本文要从逻辑层面帮助读者理解算法的原理。 十行代码之间,KMP 灰飞烟灭。 先在开头约定,本文用 pat 表示模式串,长度为 M, txt 表示文本 …
巷战利器——BMPT坦克支援车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
BMPT坦克支援车是在T-72/T-90坦克基础上研制的,拥有与基础车辆相同的车体、底架、传动装置、履带等部件,是一款多功能、重装甲、高防护的火力支援车,装备有强大的武器系统和火控系统,能对坦克、步战车、各类轻装甲车辆等进行打击,同时也能威胁直升机与低空低速的固定翼飞机。 在谈到BMPT坦克支援车的战场表现时,俄军专家称:“BMPT在火力和性能方面可与6辆BMP步战车或40名士兵相当。 任何一款武器装备的诞生都有其特定的背景与用途,BMPT坦克支援车 …