Kuomintang - Wikipedia
The Kuomintang (KMT), [I] also written Guomindang (GMD), [14] the Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP), [2] the Nationalist Party of China (NPC), [1] or the National People's Party of China (NPPC), [15] [16] is a major political party in the Republic of China, initially based in mainland China and currently in the Taiwan Area (including Taiwan ...
【護健康 顧未來-反核食反空汙反深澳電廠】公投連署書填寫範例與下載連結 說明:國民黨從即日起「護健康、顧未來」反核食、反空汙及反深澳電廠三大民生議題的公投連署第... 【護健康 顧未來-反核食反空汙】公投連署書填寫範例與下載連結 說明:國民黨從即日起全面啟動「護健康、顧未來」反核食及反空汙兩大民生議題的公投連署,呼籲鄉親們為了...
Kuomintang News Network - 中國國民黨全球資訊網
The Kuomintang (KMT) is a political party with a grand vision and a proud history. The vision of the KMT is to establish the Republic of China (ROC) as a free, democratic, and dignified country with prosperity for all. The Party’s precarious history is the very testament to realize its vision.
中國國民黨線上申請入黨 - 中國國民黨全球資訊網
- 中國國民黨全球資訊網 KMT Official Website
關於kmt. 大事紀; 本黨組織; 歷屆全代會; 黨史館; 黨務規章; 政策綱領; 聯絡資料; 個資保護政策; news. 本週kmt; 新聞稿; 常會特稿; 全代會專區; 為民服務. 立法委員; 各地方黨部; 特約商店; 加入本黨. 線上申請入黨; 線上申請回籍; 申請進度查詢; 入黨申請書; 擔任 ...
中国国民党 - 百度百科
中国国民党(Kuomintang of China,缩写KMT;亦可直译作“Chinese Nationalist Party”),由孙中山先生创立,其前身是兴中会、中国同盟会、国民党、中华革命党。1912年,同盟会联合4个小党派改组为国民党。1919年正式称为中国国民党。
Kuomintang - New World Encyclopedia
The Kuomintang of China (abbreviation KMT), also often translated as the Chinese Nationalist Party, is a political party in the Republic of China (ROC), known as Taiwan. It was the sole ruling party in China during the Republican Era from 1928 to 1949, when most of the Chinese mainland was under its control.
- 中國國民黨全球資訊網 KMT Official Webstie
本週kmt; news. 新聞稿; 常會特稿; 全代會專區; 為民服務. 立法委員; 各地方黨部; 黃復興黨部; 特約商店; 加入本黨. 申請入黨回黨; 入黨進度查詢; 回黨進度查詢; 入黨申請書; 擔任志工; 捐款/繳費. 線上捐款; 線上繳黨費; 關於kmt. 大事紀; 本黨組織; 歷屆全代會; 黨史 ...
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Nationalist government - Wikipedia
The Nationalist government, officially the National Government of the Republic of China, [a] refers to the government of the Republic of China from 1 July 1925 to 20 May 1948, led by the nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) party.