Changing data type of columns - KNIME Community Forum
Mar 6, 2021 · KNIME nodes corrupting on multiple computers KNIME Analytics Platform OK I have a theory of what is going on with the rename node and the changed column types. It seems the rename node stores the information of which type it should assign to a column based on the originating type of the column in question.
Latest KNIME en Español topics - KNIME Community Forum
Oct 22, 2021 · Bienvenido al Foro en Español de KNIME. Este hilo es para todos los usuarios hispanoparlantes de KNIME. Está disponible para los aportes de la comunidad en temas técnicos y ayudar a resolver preguntas y problemas en el uso de KNIME
Perform a Vlookup and return Values - KNIME Community Forum
Nov 4, 2017 · Hi All, I'm new to Knime. I'm thinking in term of vlookup in Excel. I have two data sets from two tables A and B. What I would like to do is return UserId from Table B when Country (Assigned To) contains the Country in Table A. Appreciates the help. Table A Lead Id Country UserId 1111 Canada 1 2222 Peru 2 Table B UserId Country (Assigned To) 1 U...
KNIME Community Forum
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How to extract HTML web data to KNIME
Dec 4, 2023 · As @hmfa mentioned, the Webpage Retriever is probably your best bet to get the data into KNIME. Then you end up with your HTML as XML document. On this you can try this component from KNIME Hub: Table from XHTML – KNIME Community Hub to extract the table. Kind regards, Alexander
Latest KNIME em Português topics - KNIME Community Forum
Aug 5, 2024 · Bem vindos ao Fórum do KNIME em Português! Este é o lugar para que falantes de Português possam conversar e trocar dicas sobre o uso de KNIME, encontrar respostas para perguntas mais técnicas, e ajudar outros membros da comunidade KNIME em Português.
Latest KNIME Analytics Platform topics - KNIME Community Forum
5 days ago · This is the right category for all you ever wanted to know about KNIME Analytics Platform - starting from how to connect nodes, through to data challenges, bug reporting and everything else. If you have a question about … 2: 4553: July 16, 2018
Modern UI: One-minute improvement - KNIME Community Forum
Sep 16, 2023 · What you have described is exactly what was there on the Modern UI preview in KNIME 4.7. image 1268×483 29.2 KB Changing that button for a different link that now takes us to the “resources” screen, and then requires us to scroll down to find the “Switch to Classic UI” button is in my view an unfortunate design decision.
How to read all files in a folder with a loop - KNIME Analytics ...
Sep 12, 2018 · Can you help with the same case, I have listed the files but now I need knime to read a file according to data in cells of another excel sheet file. So when the cell in that sheet shows 9-Nov-2020 so the node goes and read file 9-Nov-2020 and so on
IF, OR, AND Statement Rule Engine - KNIME Community Forum
Apr 25, 2023 · I’m trying to replicate a nested IF Excel formula in KNIME and i wanted to ask on how i can achieve a nested IF using a rule engine and by referring on the logic below? image 1680×99 8.63 KB 1 Like