HNoMS Maud - Wikipedia
HNoMS Maud is a replenishment oiler constructed at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering in South Korea. She was built on behalf of the Norwegian Defense Materials Agency Forsvarsmateriell [no], for service in the Royal Norwegian Navy. [1] Maud replaced HNoMS Valkyrien as the naval logistics vessel.
KNM «Maud» (A530) – Wikipedia
KNM «Maud» erstattet KNM «Valkyrien» (A 535) som logistikkfartøy for Sjøforsvaret. Primæroppgaven blir å støtte maritime styrker med etterforsyninger. Skipet er det største skipet noensinne i Sjøforsvaret og er blant annet dobbelt så stort som fregattene i …
Dette er KNM «Maud»: Bli med om bord - Forsvaret
2019年3月28日 · For Sjøforsvaret er KNM «Maud» en en helt ny logistikkapasitet, som kan bistå med det meste. Hun er det største fartøyet i flåten, og har en tonnasje som er nesten seks ganger så stor som fregattene, eller tilsvarende vekten av 348 fullastede Boeing 737,.
KNM Maud multirole supply vessel commissioned with Royal Norwegian …
2019年5月29日 · The KNM Maud vessel can load up to 200 tons of ammunition, spare parts, 30 tons of supplies, boats, vehicles, and over nine million liters of fuel for their own and allied marine vessels. With a crew of 68, the vessel can accommodate up to 48 injured people and an additional 99 soldiers.
KNM Maud on its way to resume NATO mission - Naval Today
2021年11月10日 · After undergoing thorough technical improvements and tests, KNM Maud is resuming its mission in Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1). Named after Queen Maud of Norway, the ship is said to be the largest vessel ever operated by the Royal Norwegian Navy. It replaced HNoMS Valkyrien which served as the navy logistics vessel until 2016.
Ship HNOMS MAUD (Replenishment Vessel) Registered in …
Vessel HNOMS MAUD is a Replenishment Vessel, Registered in Norway. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of HNOMS MAUD including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9703916, MMSI 257092200, Call sign LBEB
2019年12月25日 · 挪威皇家海军最新的补给舰莫德号(KNM Maud),才在五月正式服役,然而最近却爆出安全不合格,缺失甚多,已被禁止出港航行,直到问题改善为止。
KNM Maud Archives - Naval News
2019年5月29日 · The Royal Norwegian Navy’s (RNoN) new multi-role logistics vessel KNM Maud was officially christened on May 21 and shown to the people of Bergen. « An important day for the Navy, » said the Chief of the RNoN, Rear Admiral Nils Andreas Stensønes.
KNM Maud / Aegir Logistics Support Vessel - Project 2513
The Navy's new ship, the 26,000 ton KNM Maud, is 183 meters long and was delivered from the yard in Korea to Norway in November 2018. The ship would be able to load 40 20-foot supply containers...
KNM Maud - Fagerhult
HNoMS Maud, the Royal Norwegian Navy’s new logistics and support vessel, has now arrived to its new homeport of Haakonsvern navy base. She was built on behalf of Forsvarsmateriell, with a full scale hospital on board, for service in the Royal Norwegian Navy.