Koa: Beautiful, plentiful, and widely useful Hawaiian wood
2023年6月26日 · Koa has very little yellowish white sapwood in the tree, so most lumber will be 100 percent heartwood. The heartwood color can be variable from tree to tree and site to site; color ranges from...
Koa - Wood
2017年2月15日 · Koa's thin, light-colored sapwood surrounds a heartwood that some woodworkers describe as lustrous, swirled marble. Primarily reddish brown to dark brown, the wood occasionally carries colorful tones of gold, black, and deep purple. Due to koa's interlocking grain, you'll find that it has a greater bending strength and stiffness than walnut.
What is Hawaiian Koa wood? | KoaWood Ranch
2018年6月19日 · Koa is a hardwood and has high crush resistance and shock absorbance. It is often compared to walnut, however, it weighs about 25% more and its interlocking grain makes for an exceptional figure. It’s thin, light-colored sapwood surrounds the hardwood that woodworkers describe as lustrous, swirled marble.
Koa Wood | Wood Type - Cut The Wood
As a hardwood, Koa offers excellent crush resistance and shock absorption. Although it is sometimes likened to walnut, its interconnecting grain gives it an excellent form, and it weighs roughly 25% more. The hardwood is surrounded by thin, pale sapwood, which woodworkers compare to shiny, swirling marble.
Koa wood | Uses, Advantages, and Disadvantages - Timber Blogger
2022年7月15日 · Koa wood is a great wood species. It is a versatile wood used to make furniture, veneers, cabinetry, etc. It is a tonewood. It is widely used for musical instruments such as the ukulele, acoustic guitar, and Weissenborn-style Hawaiian steel guitar. Even after being hardwood, it is easy to carve.
Makana Hut Woods of Hawai'i
ACACIA KOA. Is indigenous to the Hawaiian Islands and has a beautiful grain whose colors range from blonde to deep chocolate brown with deep reddish brown the most common color. Koa is part of the Acacia family of trees and is recognized as …
How to Identify Koa Wood - Pacific Island Woodcraft
Koa can be identified by examining three main attributes: color, grain, and origin. Generally, Koa exhibits a reddish-gold to dark-brown hue. Its interlocking grain often produces a highly curly or figured appearance. Most importantly, its origin is exclusively Hawaii. However, Koa’s …
Wood Species - Hawaiian Hardwoods
Formosan Koa is an introduced species, with hardwood. It typically has a dark chocolate brown colored heartwood, with caramel-colored sapwood. Though this species of Koa originates from a different part of the world (Taiwan), its appearance is very similar to Hawaiian Koa wood.
Hawaiian Woods & Trees – Koa Wood Hawaii
The heart wood is a purple color, sapwood is white, pith soft. The wood is very light but stability is good with low shrinkage, workability is excellent. The Hawaiians used the tough wood for adz handles, fire making and fish floats.
About Koa - hlh.co
Koa is a nitrogen fixing tree and can often grow in soils too poor in nitrogen to support other species. This has allowed koa to colonize very thin volcanic soils preparing the way for other species. Mature trees have very little sapwood and are primarily high value heartwood.