Syo Kirishima - SNK Wiki
Syo Kirishima (霧島(きりしま) 翔(しょう)) is a character in The King of Fighters series of fighting games created by SNK. Syo was first introduced in The King of Fighters '99 Evolution as a Striker. He is voiced by Mitsuo Iwata. Syo Kirishima is basically the prototype of Kyo Kusanagi, just like Kang Bae...
雾岛翔(Syo Kirishima),别名罗志祥,格斗游戏《拳皇》系列中主角草薙京的角色。 雾岛翔最初在游戏《拳皇99Evo》中以mugen人物的形式出现,其设计素材基于官方的神武和草薙京的改图,以及点绘。
Syo Kirishima | KOF Wiki | Fandom
Syo Kirishima is basically the prototype of Kyo Kusanagi, just like Kang Bae Dal is for Jhun Hoon. Syo often acts before he thinks. He was created to be an impatient but talented martial artist. His profile seems to imply that he would've been a child-like character. Fire Attacks - Syo can deliver a …
Syo Kirishima - SNK Wiki
Syo Kirishima, also rendered as Sho Kirishima, is a character in The King of Fighters series of fighting games created by SNK. Syo is first introduced in The King of Fighters '99 Evolution as a Striker. He is the prototype of Kyo Kusanagi, just like Kang Bae Dal is …
《拳皇》系列角色编年史 拳皇角色背景资料一览_雾岛翔-游民星空 …
2016年8月19日 · 英文名:Syo Kirishima 来源:原创 关系:KOF最初设计的主角,被草剃京取代. 雾岛翔【Syo Kirishima】 格斗技: 雾岛流 出生地: 日本 初次登场: KOF99EVO
Syo Kirishima | The King of Fighters Wiki | Fandom
Syo Kirishima (霧島 翔 Kirishima Shō) es un personaje de The King of Fighters que se introdujo por primera vez en The King of Fighters '99: Evolution como striker extra. Su voz es interpretada por Mitsuo Iwata.
KOFXV ET (Random, Angel, Leona) vs SYO (Ryo, Yashiro ... - YouTube
2025年3月1日 · An exciting battle between ET and SYO in KOF XV! Watch high-level gameplay featuring Angel, Leona, Ryo, Yashiro, and Shingo. Who will dominate the match?Than...
Syo Kirishima | The King of Fighters Wiki | Fandom
Syo Kirishima is a character in The King of Fighters series of fighting games created by SNK. Syo was first introduced in The King of Fighters '99: Evolution as a striker. He is voiced by Mitsuo Iwata.
Syo Kirishima - Neo-Geo
Syo Kirishima is basically the prototype of Kyo Kusanagi, just like Kang Bae Dal is for Jhun Hoon. Personality. Syo often acts before he thinks. He was created to be an impatient but talented martial artist. His profile seems to imply that he would've been a child-like character. Powers. Fire Attacks - Syo can deliver a punch of fire. Fighting ...
疾风 Syo_拳皇人物_拳皇中文网 - kofcn.org
2009年3月6日 · 所使用的格斗技"风云拳"是由空手道和回力刀组合而成的不伦不类崭新格斗术。 KOFXI中以隐藏角色身份登场,而且在该作中并无任何故事。 此外在"侍魂 零"和"侍魂 天下一剑客传"均在千两狂死郎的结局中乱入。 超越时空的疾风w. 不知何解,疾风翔的父亲"疾风刚"只会以"疾风"二字称呼儿子,真是一个没亲情的父亲. 不单止是疾风翔和风云拳,整个风云默示录都是官方公认的捏他. 虽然父亲仍健在,但父亲从未把翔称作儿子,翔的出走正是因为其父缺乏父爱. 最近 …