Kogo Shūi - Wikipedia
Kogo Shūi (古語拾遺) is a historical record of the Inbe clan of Japan written in the early Heian period (794–1185). It was composed by Inbe no Hironari [ ja ] (斎部広成) in 807 using material transmitted orally over several generations of the Inbe clan .
Kogoshui [古語拾遺] - Internet Sacred Text Archive
Kogoshūi: 古 語 拾 遺: Gleanings from Ancient Stories: translated with an introduction and notes by Genchi Katō and Hikoshirō Hoshino [Tokyo, 1926]
Kogo Shūi • . A History . . of Japan . 日本歴史
2019年1月22日 · The Kogo Shūi (古語拾遺) is a document containing the achievements of the Imbe Clan. It was written in 807 by Imbe no Hironari. 12. Scan of the Kogo Shūi. As well as the Clans achievements it also contains myths and legends from before the time of Emperor Jimmu, even containing legends not found in the nihongi and kojiki.1.
Kogo shūi – Kamigraphie
Das Kogo shūi 古語拾遺 ist japanische Mythologie und Geschichte „in a nutshell“. Es umfasst den Zeitraum von der Weltentstehung bis zu Shōmu Tennō 聖武天皇 (701–756, r.724–749), etwa 50 Jahre vor Abfassung des Textes, lässt allerdings viele in anderen Werken behandelte Einzelheiten beiseite.
Kogo Shui - Japanese Wiki Corpus
Kogo Shui (古語拾遺) Kogo Shui is a piece of writing about Shinto during the Heian period. Hironari INBE, a government official, compiled this book in 807.
Shinto texts - Wikipedia
Shinto Scripture (神典, Shinten) are the holy books of Shinto. [1] The main two books are the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki, [2] collectively called the Kiki (記紀). Tennōki record of the genealogy of the Imperial Family. Burned in a fire in 645 with no …
古語拾遺 - Japanese Wiki Corpus
古語拾遺(こごしゅうい)は、平安時代の神道資料である。 官人であった斎部広成が大同 (日本)2年(807年)に編纂した。 全1巻。 807年 (大同2年)2月13日に書かれたとされている。 大同元年(806年)とする写本もある。 だが、跋(あとがき)に「方今、聖運初めて啓け…宝暦惟新に」とある。 たった今、天子の運命初めて. このことから、平城天皇即位による改元の806年 (延暦25年・大同元年)5月18日以降であることが分かり、「大同元年」説は誤りということが分 …
Kogoshui. Gleanings from ancient stories. Translated with an …
Kogo shui. English Edition: 3d and enl. ed. Description: London, Curzon Press; New York, Barnes & Noble Books [1972] vi, 120 p. facsims. 23 cm. ISBN: 0064935035 (Barnes & Noble) Series: Records of Asian history Notes: Reprint of the 1926 ed. published by the Meiji Japan Society, Tokyo. Subject: Shinto; Japan -- History -- To 645
Kogo Shûi | 國學院大學デジタルミュージアム
古語拾遺: Text: A work presented by Imbe Hironari to Emperor Heizei in 807. Contains commentaries on ancient words and practices and material omitted from the Kojiki and Nihon shoki.The author also states his opinions about Ise no Jingû and Atsuta Jingû, about the position of his own clan in relation to the Nakatomi clan, and about the position of the Nakatomi clan in relation to other ...
Kogo Shūi - Shinto Wiki
Kogo Shūi (古語拾遺) is a historical record of the Inbe clan of Japan written in the early Heian period (794–1185). It was composed by Inbe no Hironari (斎部広成) in 807...
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