KONP SAP (Conditions (Item)) Table details - SE80
KONP is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (Item) data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. The KONP table …
KONP - Conditions (Item) | LeanX
KONP (Conditions (Item)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue. …
what is the use of konp, konv tables - SAP Community
2008年7月16日 · KONP table contains actual rates for conditions based on field KNUMH (Condition Rcord No which again corresponds to A* tables - Access Sequence record tables).
Solved: difference between KONP and KONV - SAP Community
2008年2月3日 · KONV and KONP tables are both conditions tables. These tables are used when you want to find e.g : the Basic price value or excise duty values (just to name some ) . These …
2014年9月27日 · 本例使用定价类型z001,定价表为a991,定价key如下: 该bapi通过table_no参数确定价格信息写入哪张表,通过varkey参数将key值写入对应字段,以a991为例,根据标准 …
KONP (Conditions (Item)) Table in SAP - TCodeSearch.com
KONP is a standard Conditions Transparent Table in SAP SD application, which stores Conditions (Item) data. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, …
定义定价用途的条件表 (Condition Table) – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
条件表(Condition Table)是SAP条件技术体系中最基础的数据源,它们是一群特定的数据表,表名是以特定字母开头 + 三位数字构成(如A106 价格清单/物料组),可以用TCODE:SE11 …
KONP table - SAP Community
2010年9月8日 · all figures, whether in absolute amounts or in percentage, are stored in KONP and similar tables with 2 decimal points. for example, US$ 1,000.00 is stored in KONP as …
KONV and KONP tables are both conditions tables. These tables are used when you want to find e.g : the Basic price value or excise duty values (just to name some ) . These tales store the …
SAP KONP Table in S/4 HANA - Conditions (Item) - SE80
KONP is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (Item) data and is available within SAP S/4 HANA systems and previous ECC R/3 systems. Below is the technical details …