KPERS administers three statewide pension plans for Kansas state and local public employees. The System also oversees KPERS 457.
Welcome to KPERS Member Web Portal
KPERS is committed to responsible information handling practices and protecting private information. When you use our websites, you agree to the terms and conditions published …
Members - KPERS
Jul 1, 2009 · KPERS & Social Security Won't Be Enough. That's where KPERS 457 comes in. Experts suggest replacing at least 80% of your income in retirement. You need to save on …
All State agencies and many local employers offer KPERS 457, an optional deferred compensation plan. With KPERS 457, you choose how much to save and can get started with …
User login | KPERS 457
Take KPERS 457 with you when you're on the go! Learn about the features of the mobile app. Consider all your options and their features and fees before moving money between accounts.
Kansas City Police Employees' Retirement System | KCPERS
Active Member Forms. Download forms for Active Members, including beneficiary, pension estimate requests, or creditable service forms
Benefit Calculator - KPERS
Date You Plan to Retire: KPERS & KP&F: Your retirement date must be the first day of a month. JUDGES: Your retirement date can be any day of a month.
KPERS is the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System for Unclassified Support Staff. Membership in KPERS is mandatory and employees must work at least 20 hours each week …
Retirees Page - KPERS
KPERS is here to support you in retirement. Payment & Benefit Details, Working After Retirement and Taxes
Kansas Public Employees Retirement System’s Retirement Plans
KPERS Overview—Brief History of State Retirement and Other Employee Benefit Plans The primary purpose of the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (known generally as …