Move KPFT Forward – Helping KPFT to be an even better and well …
2019年3月5日 · Please VOTE for candidates endorsed by Move KPFT Forward, as listed below. Ballots Online voting credentials were sent to all members on Aug. 15 to the email address and by text to the mobile number in KPFT’s records, from the Pacifica elections system, and will be sent again by email each Monday.
2023 Candidate Endorsements – Move KPFT Forward
Below are the candidates for the 2023 KPFT Delegate/Local Station Board (LSB) elections, who Move KPFT Forward believes have the most experience and commitment to helping KPFT, and who we are endorsing. Why Vote? This election is critical to protect KPFT’s bank accounts, building, staff, and programming. We need to elect effective people ...
Houston's Community Station - KPFT
KPFT. Listener-sponsored commercial-free community radio from the largest county in Texas. You can also tune in to 89.5 FM in Galveston and 91.9 FM in Huntsville.
2021年8月19日 · Please VOTE YES in the upcoming 2021 Pacifica bylaws referendum, sponsored by New Day Pacifica. Ballots will go out June 7, 2021 via email and/or mail and deadline to vote is July 7, 2021. If you didn’t get a ballot, request a replacement here.
KPFT Elections 2024
Pacifica and KPFT will be conducting elections for board members this year. Below is the schedule of election events: Election Timeline 2024. June 30. Record Date for Membership. Fair Campaign Provisions take effect. June 1 – June 30 (11:59 PM EST) Candidate Nomination Phase. July 7 – July 8. Candidate Certification. August 15.
Welcome to New Day Pacifica - New Day Pacifica
Scroll down for information on why it’s so important to vote, how to get a ballot, and recent Pacifica news and updates. Our recommendations for candidates at KPFA, KPFK, and KPFT: If you’re a KPFA (Berkeley) member, see the KPFA Protectors web site; If you’re a KPFK (Los Angeles) member, see NDP’s KPFK page
Vote for These Listener Candidates – 2021 - Move KPFT Forward
We endorse the following Listener Representative candidates for the 2021 KPFT LSB Delegate/Local Station Board (LSB) elections. We’re asking all listener members to please rank ALL of them as your #1 to #10 choices, in any order you wish. Listener members may vote for only Listener candidates. Staff members may vote for only staff candidates.
VOTING — KPFA Protectors
KPFA Protectors can help you get a ballot and/or with voting. For help, Contact us on this website or email us at: [email protected]. Electronic ballots are emailed starting August 15th and continue to be sent weekely from the Pacifica Foundation Inc until the end of …
KPFT-FM, Houston Archive
Engaged Voters encourages all Americans, but especially Black youth and young adults in Southeast Houston. Early voting will begin for the May 3 elections in April. The second guest is Michael Roberts, executive director of the Down Syndrome Association of Houston.
KPFA Protectors
KPFA Protectors Newly Elected Listener Candidates are: Zack Kaldveer, (Highest Vote Getter in all of Pacifica's 2024 Elections) Fred Dodsworth, Christina Huggins, Carol Wolfley, and Steve Kucala. Our Newly Elected Staff Candidates are: Sherry Gendelman and Allegra Thompson. Cathy Picou will be filling a newly vacant seat. Photo by Sharon Adams