Determining the key figures concerning delivery performance and ... - ZF
In order to better assess your supply quality of production materials (incl. aftermarket), ZF has introduced, in addition to the "PPM complaint rate", a new Q-KPI (Quality Key Performance Indicator) "Number of Complaints" and "Supplier Nonconformity Costs".
Valued Supplier, to increase transparency and improve the communication of your quality performance, ZF Friedrichshafen AG (ZF Group) has enhanced the scope of Supplier Q-KPIs to provide you with detailed insights about your general quality performance and point out deviations from the specifications.
Performance Monitor - ZF
SupplyOn Performance Monitor allows suppliers to access and analyze their performance rating with ZF in a standardized and structured format. ZF defines its own evaluation categories (e.g. quality, logistics, procurement) and SupplyOn Performance Monitor is connected to ZF's system, from where it regularly receives updated supplier ratings.
(PDF) Designing and Implementing a Framework for Process …
2009年9月21日 · This case study highlights the challenges ZF Friedrichshafen AG faced during the implementation of a process-oriented logistics-costs measurement framework. The discussion of possible solutions...
ZF公司基于OKR与KPI联合应用的绩效管理体系优化研究. - 道客巴巴
2023年2月24日 · 电 子 科 技 大 学 UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA 专业学位硕士学位论文 MASTER THESIS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREE 论文题目 ZF 公司基于 OKR 与 与 KPI 联合应用 的绩效管理体系优化研究 专业学位类 别 工商 管理 硕士 学 号 号 201972150630 作者姓名 文 文 琳 指导教师 ...
ZF公司基于OKR与KPI联合应用的绩效管理体系优化研究-学位-万方 …
ZF公司成立于2015年,是一家面向全球企业客户提供创新驱动的软件产品、方案与服务的高新技术企业,目前处于快速发展时期,企业规模逐年壮大,员工人数逐年增多,整体发展趋势向好,但由于在前期发展过程中对人力资源管理重视不足,尤其是在绩效管理 ...
电 子 科 技 大 学 UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA 专业学位硕士学位论文 MASTER THESIS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREE 论文题目 ZF 公司基于 OKR 与 与 KPI 联合应用 的绩效管理体系优化研究 专业学位类 别 工商 管理 硕士 学 号 号 201972150630 作者姓名 文 文 琳 指导教师 ...
ZF Achieves Annual Targets and Increases Competitiveness
The technology company ZF Friedrichshafen AG has achieved its financial targets set for 2023. In the midst of a highly volatile global economy, the company increased its sales by 6.5 percent to €46.6 billion (2022: €43.8 billion).
2025年3月4日 · 各家摆弄AI有不同的原因:zf,为了投资项目,业绩汇报;企业高层,为了(可能的)降本增效;企业中层,是为了KPI.OPR.出花活;厂商,为了花头干项目拿钱;打工者,在其中做项目赚钱。
Financial Reports - ZF
ZF is advancing the transformation by picking up the pace and honing the focus. The increasing presence in global growth markets, investments in high yield products and technologies as …