[WIP] [1.12.x] HUDReplacer - (v1.2.11-beta)
2023年3月29日 · HUDReplacer is a framework that allows you to replace the HUD/UI textures at runtime, without the hassle of modifying any stock files or assets. The mod is currently a Work in Progress, so bugs may occur.
NEW Interface / KSP Karbon UI - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2020年7月13日 · Seeking to unify unnecessary colors to decrease unnecessary visual complexity, and also make those long trips to Elo more comfortable. The idea is to use flatter textures, with greater contrast when necessary and greater clarity in the shapes.
Releases · UltraJohn/HUDReplacer - GitHub
2012年1月2日 · A mod that allows you to replace the HUD/UI of Kerbal Space Program. - UltraJohn/HUDReplacer
坎巴拉太空计划主要mod推荐 - 哔哩哔哩
这个mod将原版坎星系替换为了我们的太阳系,难度增加,在太阳系中进入地球轨道需要高达9000米每秒的delta-v,建议与real fuel共同使用。 必须安装前置mod和贴图,否则使用不了。 (ps:这是up下载的第一个mod) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/177216-* 2.real fuels 真实燃料. 增加大量燃料组合,大修原版的比冲推重比delta-v等引擎数据,修改燃料罐质量干湿重,加入引擎点火 …
UltraJohn/HUDReplacer - GitHub
This is a framework for Kerbal Space Program that allows you to replace HUD/UI textures at runtime. Module Manager. HarmonyKSP. Creating texture packs is quite simple. All you need is a folder containing your new textures and a single config file with the following: filePath = GameData/HUDReplacer/PluginData/ priority = 0. onScene = SPACECENTER.
坎巴拉太空计划mod整理(全) - 哔哩哔哩
KSP1 Mods - Kerbal Space Program Forums
A general discussion place for talk of all KSP1 mods, and the place to request them. Whats wrong with my Kopernicus configs? This is where the new stuff comes in, be sure to check the first posts regularly for updates! Matters related to making mods and ongoing project updates go here.
GitHub - Mroumi/KeysPerSecond-Chinese: [中文版]KPS按键显 …
2024年4月15日 · [中文版]KPS按键显示v8.9 翻译自Roan的KeysPerSecond. 打不开请安装java
Kerbal Space Program Nexus - Mods and community
Fawkes is the latest development in orbit-yeeters on Kerbin. With 3 base models and 6 total variants, spend less time preparing for launch and more time building stations. GalaNet is a fleet of satellites for communication across the solar system.
Settings - Kerbal Space Program Wiki
2023年6月2日 · UI Scale. Controls the size of various UI elements, like the navball, the toolbar, and the various gauges around the screen. Default: 100%; Camera Wobble External. Adjusts the magnitude of camera wobbling from explosions and high G loads when viewing the vessel from the outside. Default: 1.0; Camera Wobble Internal