Isotopes of krypton - Wikipedia
There are 34 known isotopes of krypton (36 Kr) with atomic mass numbers from 67 to 103. Naturally occurring krypton is made of five stable isotopes and one (78. ) which is slightly radioactive with an extremely long half-life, plus traces of radioisotopes that are produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere. p? β −, n? β −, 2n? β −, n? β −, 2n? β −?
KR-86 ADF Receiver and Indicator - Bennett Avionics
With a KR-86, you get the solid-state King quality you have come to expect. The King KR-86 is designed to work with the King KA-42B ADF Loop / Sense Antenna as a system. If you need a complete KR-86 system, be sure to look at our King KR-86 ADF System, which includes all the hardware needed for installation. Do you have an old KR-86 that has ...
Krypton-86 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Properties and data of the isotope 86 Kr. Krypton isotopes. 86 Br 86 Rb 87 Br. The following table shows the atomic nuclei that are isotonic (same neutron number N = 50) and isobaric (same nucleon number A = 86) with Krypton-86. Naturally occurring isotopes are marked in green; light green = naturally occurring radionuclides.
KR-86 ADF System - Bennett Avionics
The King KR-86 System is a complete but basic ADF. The primary advantage of the KR-86 System is that both the Receiver and Indicator are integrated into one chassis. You don't need a spare instrument hole for an ADF if you have space for a KR-86 in your radio stack.
KR86 Pilots Guide | PDF | Radio | Telecommunications …
The Bendix King KR86 ADF is an automatic direction finder receiver with a built-in bearing indicator. It provides digital tuning from 200 kHz to 1,799 kHz without mechanical band switching.
Detailed avionics part information page for BendixKing KR-86 with price, availability, stock, inventory, features, specifications, and description.
Krypton-86 | Kr | CID 71309538 - PubChem
2021年5月7日 · Krypton-86 | Kr | CID 71309538 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
氪气具有比氩气更大的分子量和低的热导率,使氪气成为优良的填充气。 氪气能吸收X射线,可用作X射线工作时的遮光材料。 可以用于制成不需要电能的原子灯。 氪气同位素气注意事项: 氪气是一种无色、无味、无毒的不燃烧的储存于气瓶中的高压气体。 当氪气含量增加导致氧气含量低于19.5%时有可能引起窒息。 瓶装氪气为高压充装气体,使用时应经减压降压后方可使用。 包装的气瓶上均有使用的年限,凡到期的气瓶必须送往有部门进行安全检验,方能继续使用。 瓶装氪 …
氪-86(86KR)_化工百科 - ChemBK
放射性氪可用于密闭容器的检漏和材料厚度的连续测定,还可制成不需电能的原子灯。 此外,Kr86用于长度的国际基准标定,Kr8s用于材料的“氪化一处理。 属不燃气体,危规编号:GB2.2类22013. UN N0.1970; IMDGCODE 2153页,2.2类。 (压缩的)GB2.2类22014. UN N0.1970; IMDGCODE 2153页,2.2类。 (液化的)。 氪本身无毒,但是在高浓度时有窒息作用。 人吸入50%Kr和20% 02的混合气体,可陷入完全昏迷状态。 窒息症状见氩。 用2L安瓿瓶包 …
MFR/Title: King - KR-86 ADF Receiver and Indicator Model 14V
2025年3月10日 · A: Texas Air Salvage has a min shipping charge of $14.95. Most items will ship for this amount anywhere within the lower 48 states. Some large and/or heavy items require special handling and have a crating/boxing charge. If the item is not available for purchase online then expect actual shipping charges + crating that may apply.