V6 Series 4 Powered Studio Monitor - krkmusic
KRK V6 is a two-way, full-range studio reference monitor with professional performance and accuracy for recording, mixing and mastering. It features a 1” KRK designed Kevlar® tweeter and 6.5” lightweight KRK designed woven Kevlar® woofer.
经典回归:KRK V6 S4 | 叉烧网 - exound.com
2016年12月20日 · krk 可能是争议最大的监听音箱品牌,你会发现它在 dj/电音论坛里一片叫好,但在录音/乐器论坛里骂声一片... 不可否认的是,KRK 是目前监听音箱销量的 TOP3(JBL、KRK、PreSonus),销量越大,争议也越大。
KRK V6 Series 4 6" 2-Way Powered Studio Reference Monitor, Black
2016年11月25日 · KRK V6 is a two-way, full-range studio reference monitor with professional performance and accuracy for recording, mixing and mastering. It features a 1” KRK designed Kevlar tweeter and 6.5” lightweight KRK designed woven Kevlar woofer.
KRK V系列复活,冲击万元级 | 叉烧网
2016年10月9日 · krk 是电音御用监听,但一直以来很尴尬的是:他们只有中端的 vxt 系列,没有万元级(单只700美刀以上)高端监听,小编认识的土豪 dj 只好被迫买真力丹拿 eve,但之前小编以为:dj 监听不也是越准越好吗?
KRK V6 S4 6.5 inch Powered Studio Monitor - Sweetwater
KRK V6 Series 4 monitors: not just a pretty face. Under the hood, KRK's dual Class D amplifiers deliver 155 watts to the drivers for an impressive 115dB SPL. Its 14 user-selectable EQ settings allow you to overcome shortcomings in your listening environment.
Paul White为你深入解析KRK V6 Series 4——性能超强的有源监听 …
2017年6月30日 · 最终,KRK的设计人员设计出了一款在这个价格区间内性能超强的扬声器——V6 Series 4,也是我很喜欢使用的一款。 它们传送的声音清晰、细微,但又有很强的紧凑感,有非常棒的混 合 音,如果这款扬声器有什么问题的话,他们会告诉你,如果你的孩子喜欢戳 ...
KRK V6 Series 4 - Sound On Sound
Looking like a stylish evolution of the current Rokit 6, the V6 Series 4 adopts a slightly more rounded baffle shape and generously rounded cabinet corners with a stylish silver trim between the baffle and the main casework.
V6 - 近场监听音箱 - 传新科技有限公司
KRK V6 是一款双向全频工作室参考监听音箱,具有专业性能和准确度,适用于录音、混音和母带制作。 它配备一个 1 英寸 KRK 设计的 Kevlar® 高音扬声器和一个 6.5 英寸轻质 KRK 设计的编织 Kevlar® 低音扬声器。
KRK V6 Series 4 155W 6.5" Powered Reference Monitor (Black)
Buy KRK V6 Series 4 155W 6.5" Powered Reference Monitor (Black) featuring 6.5" Kevlar-Cone Ferrite-Magnet Woofer, 1" Kevlar-Dome Ferrite-Magnet Tweeter, Bi-Amped Class-D Amplifier, 40 Hz to 24 kHz Frequency Range, 155W, 115 dB SPL Peak, Low, Mid & High Frequency Adjustment, Onboard DSP-Driven EQ Presets, Front-Ported, Aluminum Front-Baffle ...
KRK V6 - Sound On Sound
The KRK V6s are well‑engineered speakers that look good and perform well, but they also face an increasing amount of worthy competition, including the Alesis M1As and the Harbeth/HHB Circle series.