KSK clamps - DentaCarts
KSK Rubber Dam Clamps are known to be one of the top brands worldwide . They are made of special spring tempered stainless steel that can withstand hundreds of cycles without deform.
KSK DENTECH Rubber Dam Clamps are made of special spring tempered stainless steel . This material has ideal spring action for rubber dam clamps , as well as maximum corrosion …
KSK Rubber Dam Clamp Forceps - Dentech Corporation
Original design of DENTECH Rubber Dam Clamps are automatically off from the forceps at the place of operator fits them on tooth.
isolate Dental Dam Clamps - Made in Japan - 3dcart
isolate Dental provides a range of rubber dam clamps (KSK, Manufactured by Dentech Corporation) in sizes that are designed to meet the needs of dental practitioners. Each clamp …
KSK Distal Clamp - whitedentalshop.com
所有的牙科橡皮障夾(rubber dam clamp)均由經驗豐富的工匠手工製作,並且每批產品都要經過4,000次的開合測試,只有完全合格的產品才會出貨。 這些夾具能夠完美貼合牙齒,確保精確 …
KSK RUBBER DAM CLAMPS | Leading Dental Equipment supplier …
KSK rubber dam clamps are essential dental tools which play a vital role in isolating the treatment area, ensuring optimal hygiene and efficiency during dental procedures. iDentals, one of the …
KSK Rubber Dam Clamps-Molar 橡皮障夾-大臼齒 - 商品總覽 - 新 …
新雅公司 創立於1969年,為美國、日本、歐洲…等各地牙科醫療器材知名品牌的台灣區代理,其經銷通路遍及全台灣;主要的商品以各式的牙科耗材 (器械、一般材料…等)及小型機器設備為 …
DENTECH KSK CLAMP Japan 1pc - dentacarts.com
The DENTECH KSK CLAMP Japan (1pc) is a rubber dam clamp that is used to isolate teeth during dental procedures. It is made of high-quality stainless steel and has a spring-loaded …
Dentech KSK Clamp No. 1 - Dental Squad
Universal canine and premolar clamp. Brand: DENTECH KSK Clamp Material: Stainless Steel Country of Origin: Japan Clamp Position: Pre-Molar
KSK Clamp for Sepps – Technika
These easy-to-use forceps feature an original Dentec design. They hold the clamp at an angle of approximately 10 degrees, which is ideal for clamp application and removal. They are …