List of modern equipment of the German Army - Wikipedia
The KSK introduced the HK416A7 (aka G95K) in service in 2019 as their new standard assault rifle, replacing the HK G36. It was selected after having been tested in 2017. 1,745 weapons were ordered.
Kommando SpezielKrafte (KSK) (Germany) Special Forces …
This listing contains small arms weapons and equipment used, and currently in use, by elements of the German Kommando SpezielKrate (KSK) special forces group. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
In detail: the new weapon G95K rifle of the German KSK ... - 頭條匯
4 天之前 · More accurate, more stable and softer, the new rifle of KSK Special Forces is impressive with its impeccable performance. We are in the shooting training center of the Special Operations Command (KSK). Dozens of targets are neatly arranged on a shelf, ready for live fire.
POTD: The G95 (HK416 A7) Rifle of German KSK
2021年10月3日 · KSK is short for Kommando SpezialKräfte, or Special Forces Command. The KSK takes part in typical SOF operations and they are armed with the Heckler & Koch HK416 in the A7 / G95 configuration. In terms of optics, they are using the EOTech EXPS3 with a G33 magnifier with offset Iron Sights as backup.
German special operations units to receive HK416A7 designated …
Germany’s special ops units - Kommando Spezialkrafte (KSK) and sailors of the Kommando Spezialkrafte Marine (KSM) - will receive a new rifle: the Heckler und Koch HK416 A7, which the Germans have designated the G95K (Gewehr 95 Kurz, Rifle 95 Short).
Meet the G95A1 & G95KA1 – the German Army's New Rifles
2022年12月20日 · Heckler & Koch have now released a statement and some photographs of the Bundeswehr’s new rifles. The new The ‘System Sturmgewehr Bundeswehr’ or Bundeswehr Assault Rifle System will be made up of two variants of the HK416 – the G95A1, with a 16.5 inch barrel and the G95KA1 carbine variant which will have a 14 inch barrel.
细说:德军KSK特种部队的新武器 G95K步枪 源于HK416 取代G36
我们在特种作战司令部(KSK)的射击训练中心,数十个靶子整齐地排列的架子上,准备迎接实弹射击。 特种部队成员在这里使用多种枪械进行各种项目的训练,每天都有几名教官在这里与士兵一起研究精确射击的复杂性。 他们身穿作战服,并且全副武装。 由于射击训练中心配备了隔音门,因此在外面几乎无法听到任何枪声。 一位教官在我们面前的桌子上放了一支沙色的步枪,这就是KSK特种部队装备的G95K步枪。 机匣上安装了光学瞄准镜,枪托可以调节长度,整支枪看起 …
SPARTANAT – German KSK Adopts HK416A7 - Soldier Systems
2017年10月13日 · It is a gas piston rifle in the caliber 5.56 mm x 45 NATO. The weapon has a weight of 3.690 kg and a barrel length of 14.5″. The G95 is to be the new standard gun of the KSK ( Kommando Spezialkräfte) and the special forces command of the Navy (KSM) and is expected to be delivered to the force beginning January 2019.
PHOTO FILE: G95K - new KSK assault rifle | SPARTANAT
2019年4月16日 · The text discusses the new assault rifle HK416 A7 by Heckler & Koch for the German Special Forces, showcasing its features and specifications. The weapon is designed with advanced technology and customization options, ideal for various combat scenarios.
KSK soldier presents G95/HK416 | SPARTANAT
The KSK utilizes the G95 assault rifle, also known as the HK416, produced by Heckler & Koch. In a video, a KSK soldier explains the components and advantages over the previous G36 rifle.