Shure Beta 87c Vs. KSM9 - Sound Forums
2011年5月16日 · Re: Shure Beta 87c Vs. KSM9 The ksm9 is just fantastic, bright but smooth, articulate but not overly. Surprisingly good with gain before feedback. The sm86 is my second favorite shure mic. Lots cheaper but still in the same direction as a ksm9 without being quite as bright as a beta 87. If you have the cash, the ksm9 is certainly worth owning.
KSM9 vs. Beta 87A on UHF-R Wireless | Sound Forums
2012年11月28日 · It depends. If it sounds the best on a particular vocalist, and isn't unmanageable with the stage environment, then use a KSM9. When I rent a UHF-R rig, it happens to have the KSM9, Beta87a, SM58, and SM86 capsules in the kit. I actually find the SM86 is the one I use more often. You should also look …
Shure ULX-D KSM9 sounds compressed - Sound Forums
2014年3月17日 · Re: Shure ULX-D KSM9 sounds compressed IIRC, the system uses two separate gains to prevent the system from ever clipping, and granting a very large dynamic range. If you lower your gains a bit, you might find far more success in not reaching the upper end of that 120dB+ of dynamic range.
[FS] - Shure KSM9 Wireless Mic Capsule | Sound Forums
2015年6月15日 · KSM9 Caspsule to fit UHF, UHF-R, ULX and many other Shure wirelss mic systems. (Part/Model number RPW184). This unit is “brand new”. I bought it 6/1/15 to fill a rider. It literally has one hour of use on it. $425. shipped anywhere in continental US.
[FS] 1- Yorkville NX55P 2- Crown Itech 4000 1- Shure KSM9 new
The NX55P was used once as a delay box for speech. It is in excellent condition and will ship in the original packaging. $650 The 4000s just got back from the factory after minor repair and updates (refurbished). The amps each have a little under 1100 hrs...
Heil RC35 capsule for Shure UR systems. - Sound Forums
2011年7月31日 · The RC35 capsule to stick on existing Shure transmitters that Void mentions is only about $250..... To get into something like a Shure KSM9 Wireless rig you're looking at 3K(ish) and while the KSM9 is a nice mic, it is in my opinion only marginally better than the Heil. My point is this - the Heil is a good mic and an excellent bang for the buck.
Better alternatives for singers cupping mics - Sound Forums
2011年5月31日 · My buddy mixes monitors on the Kenny Chesney tour, where they started using a new Shure capsule, called the KSM9/HS, on the money channel this summer. Shure designed it to accommodate artists who cup the mic. My friend says that the thing works like magic and completely solved their cupping troubles.
older still legal Shure wireless | Sound Forums
2015年6月1日 · Anyone still using the older Shure U4S/U4D wireless? Obviously still in the legal operating frequencies... Any downfall to using these if I can get a
[FS] - Shure Cases for KSM9, UR2/UR1, PSM600/700
2012年10月9日 · [FS] Shure Cases for KSM9, UR2/UR1, PSM600/700 Thread starter Drew Curtis; Start date Oct 9, 2012 ...
Audio Technica AE5400 vs. AT5400? | Sound Forums
2012年1月17日 · Re: Audio Technica AE5400 vs. AT5400? Yea well it's not an OM5 it's a condenser right? I became fond of the KSM9 a few years ago in applications where people wanted to use "the Neumann" but it was completely inappropriate.