[KSP Update]: Version 0.7.3 is up! - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2011年6月24日 · the latest version (0.7.3) is now up for download in the Downloads section!Changelog:* Interactive Tutorials for both the Vehicle Assembly Buiding and Flight Mode* A settings.cfg file containing store game preferences* New workflow option for the VAB. You get to choose between holding down the mo...
Old Versions of KSP (Revived and Refound) - KSP1 Discussion
2018年3月25日 · As we all know, there used to be a forum where you could get old versions of KSP which is the one above. From February 2016 to January 2018 you could click on the links and download those versions. Now when you click on the links they redirect to the KSP Website and the versions were lost to time...
More Old Versions Of KSP (Revived And Refound)
2022年6月3日 · OP Parts For Old KSP Versions And all of the old ksp versions available to download above can also alternatively be downloaded from here. Enjoy once again seeing how far KSP has come! Edited June 8, 2022 by Johnster_Space_Program Added download links for 0.8.0, 0.8.2, and 0.13.1.
Old versions of KSP (some versions still wanted!)
2013年4月19日 · I'm trying to get a complete collection of all free versions of KSP (up to 0.13.3) but I'm having trouble locating some versions. If you know where to find the missing versions, please do not hesitate to tell me.
Old Versions of KSP (Revived and Refound) - Kerbal Space …
2018年3月25日 · This discussion appears to have pretty much run its course, so it's being locked.. For versions up to and including 0.13.3, these are publicly available for free. Later versions of KSP than that are not free and not legal to share, so there's no point in discussing it here. If anyone has reason to find the above statements to be inaccurate, please reach out to Squad or the moderator team. In ...
Collection of ksp old versions! - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2021年12月20日 · Hello! And welcome to collection of old ksp verisons! A 0.7.3 to 1.0.0 Versions in there is very old and outdated, so if you new to this game and want to try it, this topic not for you. useless if you want to play old version first First …
Any older versions of ksp before 0.7.3? - Kerbal Space Program …
2017年6月8日 · 0.1 through 0.4 talked about briefly in blog posts. (tiny gap) 0.7.3 released! Analyzing the parts, we have separate fuel and oxidizer tanks (and yet today we don't have separate oxidizer tanks ), two command pods (one with a heat shield, implemented around 7-8 years before re-entry heat), two boosters, two engines, and a strut!
Kerbin Side Remastered [1.0.1] [1.7.3] - Kerbal Space Program …
2018年4月27日 · Kerbin Side Remastered This is the revision of the Classic Kerbin Side mod made by forum user AlphaAsh. The entirety of the mod was recreated from the ground up. This mod uses many of the new features within Kerbal Konstructs. Kerbin Side Remastered features stock-alike structures and runways, fu...
[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks …
2013年10月25日 · Version 2.2.0 Build for KSP 0.24 - Beware that the Save Game Fixer of previous version was disabled since 0.24 include fix that make it less usefull. Version 2.3.1 A lot of under the hood code change.
[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 …
2014年4月18日 · The Renaissance Compilation, or KSPRC, is a compilation of artworks and configurations by Proot (a.k.a. Tato) for some of the most popular sonorous and visual mods for KSP, in order to get the most immersive and beautiful vanilla experience.