Finally finished my space casino! (contract pack: tourism plus)
2019年8月22日 · Tourism would be a great competitive but non-violent multiplayer mechanic for KSP 2. It encourages you to explore and find cool landmarks, to build big structures and maybe even to set up travel routes/way stations.
[1.4.x] Contract Pack: Tourism Plus [v1.5.2] [2016-12-14]
2015年3月21日 · There are 10 randomly regenerating tourism contracts and 4 one-time contracts that progress your space tourism program. Will you be able to build the space casino and start printing funds? Download. CKAN: In CKAN, Select and …
What are, to this day, the BEST Contract Pack combinations?
2022年11月28日 · Bases and Station Reborn: A better set of contracts for building/expanding orbital stations and surface bases. Tourism Plus: A set of contracts that progresses as far as building a space casino to accommodate dozens of tourists. An excellent pack if you need repeatable contracts to farm funds if you play at hard difficulty.
坎巴拉太空计划主要mod推荐 - 哔哩哔哩
坎巴拉太空计划作为一个自由度极强的游戏,社区mod当然也不会少,网上已经有许多对各类mod的介绍和总结,但是我觉得有一些同样优秀但网上介绍不多的mod,所以我会在这里写出我认为优秀的mod。 因为许多mod有版权问题,所以我无法放出整合包,大家可以通过我贴出的官方链接下载,也可以通过CKAN下载,关于CKAN的使用Bilibili上已经有教程了。 此文章图少,因为许多mod使用图片需要版权申请,我只申请到了galaxies unbound的图。 感谢国内外mod大佬,感 …
"The casino one is harder to build." they said, but pays ... - Reddit
Good news is you can do the investor tour again and take the hotel path and get offered the hotel contract too. They never expire, so build the hotel in the short term and leave the casino till much later (that’s what I do)
坎巴拉太空计划自用MOD(含中文注释及图片) - 哔哩哔哩
2023年11月10日 · 1.ABookCase Orbital Reference System (ABCORS 轨道显示系统:鼠标悬停在某个点上来显示轨道的高度. 2.All Tweak (AllTweak 0.7) 组件缩放拓展,可以让绝大部分组件支持缩放,搭配Tweakscal使用。 3.All Y'All (AllYAll 1: 在组件的右键菜单中添加一键操作同类动作的按钮,如:一键展开所有太阳能板. 4.ASSET Mk1 reentry pod (ASSET-Mk1 v1.0) 增加下面这个组件. 5.Astronomer's Visual Pack (AstronomersVisualPack 3:v4.13)
My new 100+ capacity space casino, the Kerbaggio!
2015年9月20日 · My new 100+ capacity space casino, the Kerbaggio! Something straight outta EvE. Love it. Do spacecraft share electrical charge and fuel across asteroids? https://youtu.be/eGy1BRO1WCs. In case anyone's wondering, this is built from 4 asteroids, mostly snatched from Kerbin intercepts but in one case from a low solar orbit (I was feeling bold).
Tourism Overhaul: Completely Revamps Tourism Contracts
Tourism Overhaul is a contract-pack that completely replaces the stock tourism contracts. It fixes lots of the common complaints with vanilla game tourist contracts, while also expanding the system in general, adding things such as Space Hotels which can be put in orbit around different planetary bodies to rake in lots of kerbucks.
Launching Space Casino Electrical Component in KSP Career …
2022年6月23日 · We are finally building a Space Casino in our Kerbal Space Program Career Let's play series, and the electrical component is the first to go....#ksp#kerbalsp...
Electrical Module for Space Casino Build and Test - KSP ... - YouTube
Building and testing electrical component and solar panel tower for our upcoming space casino in today's ksp career let's play episode#ksp#kerbalspaceprogram...
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