[1.12.X] Modding guide : How to beautify KSP (Feb 2023) - KSP1 …
2023年2月21日 · I will indicate which mods are the most demanding and provide an alternative when possible. Stated performance impacts were only measured on my hardware, your experience may differ. I have a core i7-5820k and a GTX 1080 with 24GB of RAM, I get about 60-90 fps @1080p flying a reasonable craft, as usual it gets worse with big crafts.
KSP1 Mod Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2020年9月23日 · KSP1 Mods ; KSP1 Mod Releases KSP1 Mod Releases. This is where the new stuff comes in, be sure to check ...
[KSP 1.12.3] Astronomer's Visual Pack - Beyond (v4.13 - July 17th, …
2017年5月21日 · Continuing one of the greatest mods to ever exist in this game Astronomer's Visual Pack is a comprehensive visual overhaul for Kerbal Space Program originally developed by Astronomer. I have been a huge fan of Astronomer's work since my first steps into Kerbal Space Program, during 2014. 2015 wou...
[Tutorial] How to install mods (manually & CKAN)
2019年3月18日 · Once you are aware how mods work in KSP, you will less likely make mistakes trough (un)install of mods. More than 90% of bug reports comes from faulty installs somewhere. So, if you encounter some bug, be nice to mod authors and double check your installs before reporting issues.
[1.3.1 - 1.12.x] Outer Planets Mod [v2.2.11] [31st Aug 2024]
2019年5月27日 · Outer Planets Mod v2.2.11 This version of Outer Planets Mod has been built to work for KSP version 1.3.1 - 1.12.*. About The Outer Planets Mod is a mod that expands the outer edges of the Kerbol system to create something akin to the real Solar System's. It adds Kerbalized versions of Saturn, Ura...
Best Graphics Mods List With Links + Easy Download/Guide
2022年2月27日 · This post is an effort to get everyone the best graphics possible in the game via mods. I will update this post often and also take constructive criticism in order to get the best possible experience in-game. Here's the entire mod list with links to the official mod authors websites. It includes 33 Mods in total that all work together. *EDIT*
CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network) - v1.33.2 …
2020年9月23日 · CKAN is powered by a big metadata repository, containing metadata about many mods available for KSP. Each mod release has its own .ckan file containing author, version number, relationships, installation instructions and more. They are automatically generated by template .netkan files by our NetKAN bot.
[1.8x - 1.11x] Kerbal Weather Project (KWP) v1.0.0
2021年1月5日 · KWP has been tested, without major issues, in a KSP 1.10 playthrough with 220 other popular KSP mods. That said, KWP may conflict with mods like real heat that modify the stock game's aerodynamic or thermodynamic system. KWP can still be used with these mods as KWP's override of the stock thermodynamic system can be disabled in the settings menu.
[WIP] [1.12.x] HUDReplacer - (v1.2.11-beta)
2023年3月29日 · However, that makes texture packs (etc.) not portable, as different installs of KSP can be in different folders, and the current directory is not always the KSP directory, which is (at least in my opinion) a big issue. --] POSSIBLE PATCH [--After browsing HUDReplacer's source code, I think I found the culprit: in HUDReplacer.cs, line 113:
What are the current must have mods? : r/KerbalSpaceProgram
2023年5月29日 · KSP 1 Mods I see this is asked pretty often, but the landscape also changes pretty often -- especially with the revived interest in the game due to ksp2. For someone coming back to the game after 2 years, what are some must have mods for ksp 1?