[1.12.x] JSI Advanced Transparent Pods (V0.1.24.0) 12th Sep 2021
2016年4月29日 · Features of this module include: Transparency feature for configured parts that will show the IVA internal models of parts that have been configured to use this module. Ability to Swap Shaders on the External and Internal model to …
Transparent Pods (PODS) - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2019年8月22日 · Transparent Pods (PODS) Adds eight (8) parts to Kerbal Space Program. By @zer0Kerbal, originally by @nli2work. adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo. Parts. 2.5m Panopticon Command Pod; 1.25m Cyclops Command Pod; 0.625m Mono Pressurized Command Chair ~0.2m Micro Lander Leg; …
Parts/Pods - Kerbal Space Program Wiki
2024年11月30日 · Parts/Pods. From Kerbal Space Program Wiki < Parts. Jump to: navigation, search. This category contains the main details of any craft, from which the creation should begin. Please note that the EAS-1 External Command Seat cannot be the main part of the spacecraft. And if there is only one on the spaceship, then the ship will be out of control.
Releases · JPLRepo/JSIAdvTransparentPods - GitHub
Fixed issue with legacy transparent specular shader no longer available in KSP - causing some parts using this mod to appear with Pink (invalid) material/shader assignments. Fix for Deepfreeze Mod Integration.
zer0Kerbal/TransparentPods - GitHub
Adds eight (8) parts. Transparent Command Pods and other parts by nli2work for Kerbal Space Program.
坎巴拉太空计划自用MOD(含中文注释及图片) - 哔哩哔哩
2023年11月10日 · up主是用ckan安装的MOD列表,文中注明的“依赖MOD”为安装其他MOD时附带安装的依赖MOD。 1.ABookCase Orbital Reference System (ABCORS 轨道显示系统:鼠标悬停在某个点上来显示轨道的高度. 2.All Tweak (AllTweak 0.7) 组件缩放拓展,可以让绝大部分组件支持缩放,搭配Tweakscal使用。 3.All Y'All (AllYAll 1: 在组件的右键菜单中添加一键操作同类动作的按钮,如:一键展开所有太阳能板. 4.ASSET Mk1 reentry pod (ASSET …
Transparent Pods on SpaceDock
Transparent Pods (PODS) Adds eight (8) parts to Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by nli2work. adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo. Parts. 2.5m Panopticon Command Pod; 1.25m Cyclops Command Pod; 0.625m Mono Pressurized Command Chair ~0.2m Micro Lander Leg; radial and ventral mount configurations
[1.12.x] ModPods - KSP1 Mod Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2022年3月8日 · It's basically a way of making larger pods. Not by providing any giant pods, but by providing a set of floors/stories to pods to add onto the existing pods. Mainly the Mk1-2pod (the same idea has already been embarked on in the M.O.L.E. mod for the Mk1 pod, to a large degree, and I don't intend to duplicate someone else's work).
Welcome to Umbra Space Industries! - GitHub Pages
Two new powerful burnable resources for KSP and the parts to properly exploit them! Asteroid mining, storage, and reutilization! Start small, dream big! 0.35 and 0.625 meter rockets! Project Orion offers high thrust and high specific impulse by using nuclear bombs! Warp drive goodness for faster than light travel!
ModularPods on SpaceDock
The 2.5m base pod too small? Extend it with these modular extensions from 2.5m to 3.75m and beyond.